Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Palestine is the Test

by Susan Abulhawa, published on Workers World, September 24, 2020 The following is a lightly edited transcript of a Sept. 19 talk by Palestinian novelist and Workers World Party member Susan Abulhawa during a “Free Palestine! No Normalization with Colonization or Occupation!’ webinar sponsored by WWP. [WWE] We’ve known for years that the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and[…]

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Liberal Sympathy for Trump

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, October 7, 2020 If Ava Duvernay really believes Trump is a white supremacist, why wish him well? “Maddow and Duvernay speak and act in defense of their class interests.” Everyone reveals their true self in a time of turmoil. A crisis forces exposure which can no longer be kept hidden. The revelation that Donald[…]

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Treading In Deep Water

by Greg Godels, published on ZZ’s Blog, September 7, 2020 With less than two months remaining before the US elections, expectations are growing. Even the most indifferent citizen senses that the US (and much of the world) is faced with a host of seemingly intractable crises, unprecedented in scope. These crises– epidemiological, social, political, and economic– have intensified and brought[…]

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Hypocrisy of US, Allies in the UNSC and AI Regarding Aid to ‘The Syrian People’

Statement from Syria Solidarity Movement On July 11, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution presented by Germany and Belgium that would permit one border crossing from Turkey into Syria’s Idlib province for a US- backed UNSC aid program. The United States has been battling with China and Russia for a resolution increasing the number of gateways for cross-border[…]

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Bipartisan Torpedo Strikes Troop Reduction In Afghanistan

by Manlio Dinucci, published on Global Research, July 10, 2020 Bankruptcy budget for the USA also from a political-military point of view: most of the territory is now controlled by the Taliban or disputed between them and the Governmental Forces supported by NATO. After lengthy negotiations, the Trump administration concluded an agreement with the Taliban last February against this background,[…]

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Rebellion, Confusion, Scoundrels and Kente Cloth

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, June 10, 2020 Black rebellion brings insecurity to those in power, as editors, mayors and even long dead criminals are being called to account. “Demands for community control and abolition must remain at the top of the list.” Everything has changed since the world witnessed George Floyd’s murder at the hands of police.[…]

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Venezuelan Embassy Protection Collective Wins Legal Victory Before Hostile Judge

The sentencing of the final four from the Venezuelan Embassy Protection Collective marked another defeat for Juan Guaidó and his DC-based coup administration. Prior to handing it down, however, an Obama-appointed judge delivered an unhinged law-and-order tirade denigrating the defendants. By Anya Parampil On the morning of June 3, four U.S. citizens from the Venezuelan Embassy Protection Collective (EPC) who[…]

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The Blue Plague and Black Death

By Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, May 27, 2020 George Floyd’s death by Blue Plague in Minneapolis was widely condemned by the same parties that have encouraged and funded the spread of the fatal contagion. “The Blue Plague is a serial killer that dates back to the slave patrols of the pre-Civil War South.” The pathogen that kills[…]

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Venezuela And Iran Show Solidarity Can Overcome US Empire

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, May 24, 2020 A Victory for Sovereignty, Independence, and Peace This week, Venezuela and Iran faced up to threats made by the United States and defied the illegal US sanctions by sending five oil tankers from Iran to Venezuela. The US’ longterm unilateral coercive measures have prevented the two countries[…]

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