Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Dr. Martin Luther King’s Challenge to the Movement, as the Fascists Storm the Capital

By Eric Mann, published on CounterPunch, January 18, 2021 “Dr. DuBois was a radical all of his life. Some people would like to mute the fact that he was a genius who became a Communist in his later years.” – Martin Luther King Jr. Today, even Dr. King, who fought the fascists in Montgomery and Cicero would be shocked to[…]

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Resistance is not Futile: A Brief History of Lebanon’s Hezbollah

by Steve Lalla, published on CounterPunch, January 15, 2021 Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah has inspired fear within the Empire through both armed struggle and its success in electoral politics. For effectively wielding this double-edged sword, the “Party of God” has been vilified by countless politicians and media outlets. From its birth as an armed resistance to Israeli attacks on Lebanon[…]

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We Need to Build a Unified Independent Movement for Change

​​UNAC Statement on the Right-wing Mob Attack at the Capitol Building While largely peaceful demonstrations against police killings of African Americans have been met by violent repression, the attempted takeover of the US Capitol by a white supremacist mob saw very light security and even collaboration. When UNAC organized a peaceful demonstration in Chicago at the NATO summit in 2012, there were[…]

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Violent Right Wing Forces Have Been Activated, It Requires Strategic Action To Stop Them

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, January 10, 2021 Since the assault on the US Capitol on January 6 by right-wing Trump supporters, the fallout has been rapid. The Democrats, both elected officials and voters, were quick to jump on the impeachment train. Some elected officials are calling for Members of Congress who supported the events to resign and[…]

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The Solutions Are Obvious, But It Will Take A Revolution To Win Them

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, December 13, 2020 The United States has reached a severe crisis point and the next few months will determine how we address it. The COVID-19 pandemic is raging across the country and some areas are struggling to provide enough hospital beds and staff to care for people. The recession is deepening as unemployment[…]

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Time to Rein in Amazon’s Empire

by Christy Hoffman, published on Consortium News, December 15, 2020 The world is entering an era of undeniable change that will be defined by our collective response to the human and economic devastation left by the pandemic. As Covid-19 continues to spread across the globe, Amazon´s rise to the top of the winner-take-all economy is a call to action to progressive forces who still believe in the politics of the common good and are willing to fight for the affirmation[…]

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Biden’s Cabinet Picks: Ruling class politics or socialist revolution?

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, December 14, 2020 Insane people who study playing Russian roulette with a well-lubricated and seasoned six-shooter understand that the odds on survival are far greater than the expected 83.3 percent, that is, five out of six. That’s because the single loaded-bullet chamber is heavier than the empty chambers and is more likely, after[…]

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Half a Million March in France Against Police Violence, Racism

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, December 4, 2020 In an explosion of anger and political rejection, 200,000 people marched in Paris Nov. 28 while another 300,000 in over 95 cities and towns across France held coordinated protest marches. Demonstrations also took place in front of French embassies in the Netherlands and Germany. The protests were targeting Article 24[…]

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