Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Understanding the Chicago School Strike … and Why it’s Different

by Paul Elitzik, published on Considered Sources, October 25, 2019 You have to go beyond the news media coverage of the school strike to understand its significance. The reporting reduces the strike to a conflict over particular demands, a power struggle between an “interest group” and the city. But this gets it very wrong. Teachers are not just another interest[…]

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Sam Husseini: The Entire US Establishment Helped Lie Their Way into the Iraq War

by Slava Zilber, published in the American Herald Tribune, October 14, 2019 Slava Zilber: Sam Husseini is a senior analyst with the Institute for Public Accuracy, independent journalist and contributor to The Nation and FAIR. Sam, three years ago, you appeared on Talk Nation Radio with David Swanson and spoke about the case of the GCHQ whistleblower Katharine Gun. You pointed out that[…]

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Apartheid Made Official

The Deal of the Century is a Ploy and the Reality is Annexation by Dr. Ramzy Baroud, from, September 17, 2019 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is moving quickly to alter the political reality in Palestine, and facing little or no resistance. On September 10, Netanyahu declared his intentions to annex swathes of Palestinian land adjacent to the Jordan[…]

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Elizabeth Warren and the Weaponization of Identity Politics

by Danny Haiphong, Published on American Herald Tribune, October 1, 2019 According to MSNBC pundit and Democratic Party strategist Emily Tisch Sussman, anyone who supports Sanders over Warren is “kind of showing your sexism.” This remark received heavy criticism from Sanders supporters on Twitter through the viral hashtag #WomenforBernie. This kind of comment from the heir to the Tisch and[…]

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Jobs, the Environment, and a Planet in Crisis

by Aviva Chomsky, Published on Consortium News, August 22, 2019               (from TomDispatch, August 6, 2019) When it comes to heat, extreme weather, wildfires, and melting glaciers, the planet is now in what the media increasingly refers to as “record” territory, as climate change’s momentum outpaces predictions. In such a situation, in a country whose president and administration seem hell-bent on doing everything[…]

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No Racism, Just Russians

The absurd claim that Russians have orchestrated US racial strife is designed to nullify Black outrage and discredit those who fight oppression. “The Russiagate corpse is reanimated again and again.” By all accounts the Russiagate faux scandal and the hysteria it spawned should be dead. The tale of intrigue which claimed that the Donald Trump campaign colluded with the Russian[…]

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Trump Launches Attacks Against Immigrants on Many Fronts

By Lisa Luinenburg, published on Socialist Action, Augusts 2, 2019 As the 2020 presidential election draws ever closer, the Trump administration has continued to ramp up its attacks on undocumented immigrants and on refugees seeking asylum in the United States. The president has launched attacks on immigrants across multiple fronts, and when he is blocked by Congress or the courts,[…]

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Another Perspective on Middle East Peace

by Pepe Escobar,  published on Information Clearing House, August 6, 2019 Russia is meticulously advancing Eurasian chessboard moves that should be observed in conjunction, as Moscow proposes to the Global South an approach diametrically opposed to Western sanctions, threats and economic war. Here are three recent examples. Ten days ago, via a document officially approved by the United Nations, the[…]

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US and Iran Stuck on Negotiation Ground Zero

by Pepe Escobar, published on Consortium News, July 25, 2019 All bets are off in the geopolitical insanity stakes when we have the President of the United States (POTUS) glibly announcing he could launch a nuclear first strike to end the war in Afghanistan and wipe it “off the face of the earth” in one week. But he’d rather not,[…]

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