Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Is Intellectual Property Turning into a Knowledge Monopoly?

by Prabir Purkayastha, produced by Globetrotter, September 6, 2023 When the settlers came to the United States, they usurped the common property of the native tribes and parceled it out for money.  The same is being done to our common store of knowledge. When greed drives science, it cannot be science.  [jb] The twentieth century saw the emergence of public[…]

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‘1619 Project’: Progressive educators oppose reactionary legislation

by Andy Terhune, published on Workers World, May 27, 2021 Right-wing lawmakers in 15 states are passing legislation that will require public school teachers to teach a nationalist narrative of history, which ignores the genocidal, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant and oppressive history of the United States. Specific legislation differs among the 15 states, but they all include a shared goal of[…]

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Understanding the Chicago School Strike … and Why it’s Different

by Paul Elitzik, published on Considered Sources, October 25, 2019 You have to go beyond the news media coverage of the school strike to understand its significance. The reporting reduces the strike to a conflict over particular demands, a power struggle between an “interest group” and the city. But this gets it very wrong. Teachers are not just another interest[…]

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Debt-Entrapping: The US Student Loan Racket

by Stephen Lendeman, published on Global Research, September 12, 2019. Entrapping students into longterm or permanent debt bondage is part of a government/corporate scheme to enrich private lenders. Because of the high cost of higher education, millions of students need large loans to pay tuition, fees, and other expenses. Some face burdens up to $100,000 or higher. If unpaid after[…]

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Big Guns Destroy U.S. Schools

by Sara Flounders, originally published on Workers World. Bigger guns are destroying children’s lives in U.S. schools than the AR-15 used in the heinous Florida school murders. Schools across the country are facing untenable choices of what programs to slash and how many teachers to cut, with an impact that puts millions of young lives and futures at risk. These[…]

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