Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The fight for Palestinian Liberation is a Fight for the Whole Working Class

by Arjae Red, published on Workers World, October 20, 2023 On Oct. 7, the Palestinian people and their combat organizations launched a powerful attack against Israeli occupation forces and their settlements that they called “Al Aqsa Flood.” Their maneuver peeled away the Zionist state’s false sense of supremacy and demonstrated that even with billions of U.S. dollars and high-tech weaponry,[…]

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Gaza Faces Imminent Starvation Amid Israeli Bombing, Blockade

by Alex Lantier, published on Countercurrents, October 17, 2023 This article is from nearly a week ago.  Things are much worse now.  This is not an issue of the ‘Netanyahu’ government, though they play their part.  This is expectable outcome of settler colonialism.  The latest “plan” is to drive the Palestinians from Gaza into the Sinai.  This is ethnic cleansing.[…]

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United States “Facilitates” Dire Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza.

Joe Biden: “Defend the State of Israel”. The True Face of Imperialism by Abiyome Azikiwe, published on Global Research, October 18, 2023 President Joe Biden of the United States has emphasized daily that the principal foreign policy objective for Washington in West Asia and North Africa is to defend and bolster the State of Israel. This is being articulated by[…]

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Israel As US Imperialism’s Police Force in the Middle East

by Roland Shepphard, published on Socialist Action, October 21, 2023 [Editor’s note: We reprint below Roland Sheppard’s informative article reviewing key points in the formation and history of the Zionist state of Israel. ] August 24, 2023 Jerusalem Post:  “Israeli Minister Eliyahu: The Palestinians aren’t under Apartheid, they’re Just in a Prison Camp“ When Palestine was a colony the Brtish,[…]

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Biden Returns Empty-handed, Except for a Huge Bill for the U.S. Taxpayers

By Ralph Nader, World BEYOND War, October 22, 2023 If President Joe Biden were a pony, instead of a perennial warhorse (e.g., gung-ho for Bush/Cheney’s criminal destruction of Iraq), he would have his tail between his legs on his return from a one-day trip to Israel. He failed to achieve any immediate, critical objectives while the ongoing destruction of Gaza[…]

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Ukraine vs Israel: Can the West Arm Both?

by William Van Wagenen, published on The Cradle, October 11, 2023 Just three days after the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance launched an unprecedented military offensive against Israeli military posts and settlements by land, sea, and air, Israeli officials began begging their US sponsors for additional weapons. Politico reported on 10 October that according to a senior Pentagon official, “The Biden administration is surging[…]

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500 Arrested at Capitol as Jewish Activists Demand Gaza Ceasefire

by Michael Arria, published on Mondoweiss, October 19, 2023 Five hundred people, including two dozen Rabbis, were arrested in Washington, DC on Wednesday as Jewish activists led a protest inside and outside The Capitol. The protesters were demanding lawmakers back a ceasefire in Gaza. Hundreds of protesters made their way into the rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building where[…]

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Stop the Israeli Genocide Against the Palestinian People!

Statement from Venezuelan Unions, published on Labor Today, October 21, 2023 We, the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Venezuela (CUTV) and the Frente Nacional de Lucha de la Clase Trabajadora (FNLCT),  strongly and categorically condemn the genocidal assault of the Zionist government. We strongly and categorically condemn the genocidal attack by the Zionist State of Israel against the Palestinian people. […]

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Rally targets Media Censorship of Palestinian Resistance

by Betsy Piette, published on Workers World, October 16, 2023 Responding to a call from the Philadelphia Palestine Coalition, hundreds of people turned out at noon on Oct. 12, outside the Philadelphia offices of local NPR/PBS affiliate WHYY TV and radio. Protesters called out the media censorship of Palestinian resistance and the media whitewashing of Israeli genocide. A flier distributed[…]

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The Red Nation Stands with Palestinians in Their Struggle for Decolonization and Land Back

Statement for The Red Nation, 10/13/2023 As we write this, Palestinians face unrelenting and unprecedented settler violence. The Israeli army has warned 1.1 million Palestinians in Gaza to relocate south within the next twenty-four hours as Israel prepares to level Gaza with bombs.​​The Israeli apartheid regime has already cut off all food, water, and electricity to Gaza while carpet bombing[…]

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