Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Interview with US Activist Who Fought ISIS With The Kurds in Syria

by Christopher Helali and Judy Bello I recently had the privilege of interviewing Chris Helali about his experiences fighting ISIS with the Kurdish militias in northern Syria.   It was very interesting to see the way his direct observations of the war in Syria led him to change his assessment of the situation there.   [jb] Judy: Good evening, I’m Judy Bello[…]

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US and Qatari Regime Change Deception Produced ‘Caesar’ Sanctions Driving Syria Towards Famine

by Max Blumenthal, published on The Grayzone, 6/25/2020 Like the mysterious figure it is named for, the Caesar sanctions bill is the product of an elaborate deception by shadowy US- and Gulf-backed operatives. Instead of protecting Syrian civilians, the unilateral measures are driving them towards hunger and death. The US Department of Treasury’s imposition this June of the so-called Caesar Civilian[…]

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Defiance Against US Dollar War and Caesar Act Sanctions

by Hassan Nasrallah, published on Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies, June 16, 2020 Extract from the translation of a speech on June 16, 2020.   He is talking about the effects of the increasing US economic war on Lebanon (and also Syria).  This is interesting as it is an international reflection of the struggles of domestic resistance to the US racist[…]

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Deadly New Sanctions on Syria

by Judith Bello On May 20, President Trump signed into law the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act.   Embedded in this bill, a housekeeping bill of sorts where yearly “defense” appropriations and priorities are spelled out, was the basic text of the 2019 Caesar Syrian Civilian Protection Act.  Perhaps they were buried here because they didn’t have bipartisan support, but there[…]

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Western Governments Collectively Punishing Syrian Civilians with Criminal Economic Embargoes

By Tom Duggan and Mark Taliano, published on Global Research, June 4, 2020 The Syrian Government is trying to keep medicine at an affordable price for the consumer by limiting the price of medicines, but the pharmaceutical industry inside Syria needs to raise the prices to sustain production. This is due to two main factors: Sanctions and economy. Some factories[…]

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CIA Doctrine Made Official Policy

by ZeroHedge, Published on Global Research, May 13,2020 Like with the disastrous Iraq quagmire years before the US war machine came to Syria under Obama, Washington’s rationale and justification for occupying the Syrian Arab Republic has shifted and changed drastically multiple times over. When ultimately what started as US covert regime change efforts targeting Assad failed (based ostensibly in “protecting civilians”),[…]

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Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Funds Shady Ops That Once Triggered Polio Outbreak in Syria

by Max Blumenthal, published on The Grayzone,  April 16, 2020 While the $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill was authored in the spirit of beating back a pandemic, buried deep within its text is a stipend for the US State Department operations dedicated to carrying out foreign interventions that have contributed to the outbreak of preventable diseases like polio in Syria[…]

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Lift Syrian Sanctions Before Coronavirus Creates a Perfect Storm

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Middle East Discourse, March 16, 2020 The US and EU sanctions on Syria have taken a toll on the health and welfare of the Syrian people for many years.  They were designed to ‘hurt’ the Syrian government, but have only hurt the innocent unarmed Syrian civilians caught in the middle of a US-NATO-EU attack on[…]

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Media’s Deafening Silence On Latest WikiLeaks Drops Is Its Own Scandal

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on, December 28, 2019 WikiLeaks has published yet another set of leaked internal documents from within the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) adding even more material to the mountain of evidence that we’ve been lied to about an alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria last year which resulted in airstrikes upon[…]

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US-China Trade War Aggravated by Uyghur and Hong Kong Support

by Stephen Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, December 5, 2019 The Uyghur people are an ethnic group of Muslims in western China and they speak the ancient Turkic language, which is the root of the modern Turkish language. Their province is Xinjiang, and their capital city is Urumqi. China is a huge country, and to keep peace and harmony all[…]

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