Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

World War Dangers In Syria

by Margaret Kimberley, Originally published on Black Agenda Report, September, 26, 2018 Israel has bombed Syria at will, apparently with Russian permission, but that may change after the downing of a Russian plane. The American public is being force-fed dangerous lies about its government’s war policies.” President Bashar al-Assad has reconquered most of Syria from the United States-backed al Qaeda[…]

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On the Brink with Russia in Syria Again, 5 Years Later

White Helmet activists in Khan Sheikhoun made a video of themselves collecting evidence at the site of the execution of the supposed sarin gas attack.  It is notable that they are not wearing adequate protective gear. By Ray McGovern, originally published on Consortium News, September 12, 2018 he New York Times, on September 11, 2013, accommodated Russian President Vladimir V.[…]

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Seventeen years after 9/11: From “war on terror” to “great power conflict”

by Andre Damon, published on World Socialist Website, September 12, 2018 Seventeen years after the September 11, 2001 terror attacks—which became the official pretense for the “war on terror” and a series of bloody conflicts that cost the lives of at least one million people—Washington is on the verge of launching a massive new military offensive in Syria in defense[…]

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Trump Protects Al Qaeda, “The Resistance” Applauds, Cursing “Russians”

The “Russians” had to be reinstalled as the “enemy” after Obama made his alliance with Islamist jihad. Trump has now signed on as Protector of the Idlib Caliphate. by Glen Ford, originally published on Black Agenda Report, September 6, 2018 “The so-called ‘resistance is the world’s phoniest ‘left.’” The Trump administration, just like the Obama regime, is willing to start[…]

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The Hour When Children Die: What is Going On in Yemen?

“Any war crime committed in Yemen by the Saudis and the Emiratis is a war crime committed by the governments in London and Washington, which continue to supply these monarchies with billions of dollars of deadly weaponry used to kill children on a school trip.” (Photo: CNN/Screengrab) by Vijay Prashad, originally published on Common Dreams, August 15, 2018 A busload[…]

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America’s Secret War on Yemen

by Jack Dresser, originally published on CounterPunch Far too few Americans seem to be asking an obvious question, why is the United States supporting the genocidal Saudi war upon Yemen?  Considering that Yemen’s humanitarian crisis now exceeds every other disaster in the world, this vital question deserves an informed and serious answer incorporating the geography and history that Americans learn[…]

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