Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

How Obama-Biden Team Empowered Terrorists In Syria

by Aaron Mate, published on Popular Resistance, April 22, 2022 The First Was Syria, Where US Support For The Insurgency Helped Create An Al Qaeda Safe Haven. Hours after the Feb. 3 U.S. military raid in northern Syria that left the leader of ISIS and multiple family members dead, President Biden delivered a triumphant White House address. The late-night Special[…]

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From Mosul to Raqqa to Mariupol, Killing Civilians is a Crime

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, April 13, 2022 Americans have been shocked by the death and destruction of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, filling our screens with bombed buildings and dead bodies lying in the street. But the United States and its allies have waged war in country after country for decades, carving swathes of destruction through cities,[…]

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Doha Bank of Qatar Funded ISIS and Syrian Terrorist Group

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, March 29, 2022 Not a  focus of media at the moment but important to understand that this is the pattern and has been for decades. [jb] Doha Bank of Qatar was accused in the UK High Court on March 2 of funneling money to an ISIS judge who had ordered executions, including that[…]

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The People of Yemen Suffer Atrocities, Too

by Kathy Kelly, published on Common Dreams, March 22, 2022 The United Nations’ goal was to raise more than $4.2 billion for the people of war-torn Yemen by March 15. But when that deadline rolled around, just $1.3 billion had come in. ​​“I am deeply disappointed,” said Jan Egeland, the secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council. “The people of[…]

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As US Renews Support for Saudi War on Yemen, Civilian Death Toll Nearly Doubles

by Ahmed Abdulkareem, published on MintPress News, February 17, 2022 HAJJAH, YEMEN – Two parallel but very different meetings took place recently — one in search of peace, the other to plan more war. In Oman’s capital, Muscat, an official delegation headed by Ansar Allah, met with Omani and European officials to negotiate de-escalation and humanitarian assistance in Yemen. Meanwhile,[…]

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US-NATO Recruits Al-Qaeda Killers to Come to Ukraine

Report from Southfront via Organizing Notes Al-Qaeda-Linked Syrian Drug Dealer Al-Jasim To Funnel Militants From Syria To Ukraine Syrian pro-opposition activists have revealed disturbing facts about a Ukraine-based Syrian businessman who vowed to fight Russian forces currently conducting a special military operation in the country. The businessman, Tariq al-Jasim, appeared in a video announcing the formation of an armed group[…]

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New US Strategy in Syria For Regime Change

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, February 14, 2022 Syria seems forgotten in the U.S. but the Caesar Sanctions, U.S. proxy occupation of the oil wells and wheat fields, and Turkish support for Salafists (including ISIS and many foreigners) in Northern Syria leave the country  unable to rebuild or to meet the needs of the people.  If our attention[…]

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Massive Israeli Airstrikes on Latakia, Syria

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, December 28, 2021 Israel repeatedly strikes civilian targets in Syria, but it doesn’t even make the news over here.  Israel murders and imprisons hundreds of Palestinians every year, but it  is business as usual.  Israel illegally sabotages Iranian electrical plants and nuclear facilities, murders Iranian diplomats, scientists and others, and we applaud their[…]

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How Tutu, de Klerk, and Mandela Would End Israeli Apartheid

by Jeff Warner, published in Mondoweiss, December 28, 2021 An interesting analysis that illuminates Desmond TuTu’s statement that Israeli ‘apartheid’ is worse than South African ‘Apartheid’.  And it ends with some practical advice.  [jb] With the December 26, 2021, death of Bishop Desmond Tutu, six weeks after the November 11, 2021, death of Frederik Willem de Klerk, and seven years[…]

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Assad Syria and China’s New Silk Road

by Matthew Ehret, published on Matthew Ehret’s Substack, December 9, 2021 Ever since Russia and China began challenging the Anglo-American scorched Earth doctrine in 2011 with their first vetoes against US intervention into Syria, the Gordian knots that have tied up the Arab world in chaos, division and ignorance for decades have finally begun to unravel. Where just one decade[…]

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