Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

On the Road to Damascus: International Conference in Syria on Sanctions and Its Blowback

Syrians say it’s even harder now to make ends meet than it was during the height of their country’s war because of intensified U.S and European sanctions. by Roger D. Harris, Published on MintPress News, September 21, 2019 Welcome to your second country, that was the greeting our Syrian hosts gave us when we arrived for the International Trade Union[…]

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Canadian media attacks labour leader for Syria solidarity

by Dave McKee, published on People’s Voice, September 19, 2019 One hundred trade union delegations from around the world gathered in Damascus on September 8-9, for the Third International Trade Union Forum in Solidarity with Syrian Workers. The purpose of the meeting was to build opposition to imperialist intervention against Syria and the economic sanctions against Syria. The forum was[…]

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Jobs, the Environment, and a Planet in Crisis

by Aviva Chomsky, Published on Consortium News, August 22, 2019               (from TomDispatch, August 6, 2019) When it comes to heat, extreme weather, wildfires, and melting glaciers, the planet is now in what the media increasingly refers to as “record” territory, as climate change’s momentum outpaces predictions. In such a situation, in a country whose president and administration seem hell-bent on doing everything[…]

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With International Support, Prime Day Wildcat Strike and Picket Shakes Amazon

By Harvey Markowitz, published on Workers World,  July 23, 2019 Shakopee, Minn. – On Monday, July 15, the same day as Amazon’s “Prime Day” sales extravaganza, workers at the Amazon MSP1 fulfillment center in Shakopee, Minn., walked out to protest the company’s oppressive management practices. With the support of the general community and union locals, hundreds of people picketed the[…]

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French Labor Leaders Size up Yellow Vests

“Pink Vests” protest in Paris, March 30, 2019. (Léa Bouchoucha) By Léa Bouchoucha, published on Consortium News, May 16, 2019 Several weeks ago Emmanuelle Cheron, 43, was out on the Place de La République in Paris, along with other members of a new collective of professional child minders. They wore pink vests, held balloons and had set up a large[…]

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Assembly of Yellow Vests says, ‘We must abandon capitalism’

By Rémy Herrera, Published on Workers World,  April 16, 2019 “Act 21” of the Yellow Vests took place on Saturday, April 6, as their demonstrations have every week for almost five months.  But a parallel event was held from April 5 to 7 in the evening in Saint-Nazaire, in Loire-Atlantique, which will certainly influence the course of future struggles in[…]

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Troy Labor Council Resolution In Support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks

Troy Labor Council voted on May 17 in favor of the following resolution to support Julian Assange and WikiLeaks: Whereas, Assange and Wikileaks have released a vast trove of primary source material unlike anything that journalists have ever had such ready access to, Whereas, Wikileaks releases have made evidence-based journalism more possible than ever before, Whereas, Julian Assange and WIkileaks[…]

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Democrats Fail Symbolic Vote on Green New Deal

by Graham Rogers, from Socialist Action, April 3, 2019 The political theater of the U.S. Congress lurched through yet another performance on March 26, as the Senate decisively rejected a bill put forth by Republican Senator Mitch McConnell that copied Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s and Senator Ed Markey’s February non-binding resolution calling for a Green New Deal. Forty-three Democrats, including all[…]

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