Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

An Open Letter to Ro Khanna and the Rest of the Congressional Wimps on Israel

by Judith Bello I am very disappointed that you supported H.Res. 246 which condemns the BDS movement, a nonviolent method of reminding Israel that the world will not continue to tolerate their oppression of the Palestinian people. I am even more disappointed in your response to queries regarding why you supported this resolution. First, you say that because it is[…]

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They Shot to Kill: Israeli Snipers Shoot 10-Year-Old Boy in the Head

by Yumna Patel, Published on Mondweiss, July 15, 2010 For eight years, the residents of the northern occupied West Bank village of Kafr Qaddum have protested every single Friday, rain or shine, against Israeli land confiscations and the closure of the village’s southern road by Israeli forces. The villagers have faced their fair share of bullets, tear gas, injuries, and[…]

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How Israel Systematically Hides Evidence of 1948 Expulsion of Arabs

For nearly 20 years, Defense Ministry teams have scoured local archives and removed troves of historic documents to conceal proof of the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, including documents reporting rapes, looting, the demolition of villages and killing of civilians…. General Elad Peled: “My platoon blew up 20 homes with everything that was there.” Lev Tov: “While people were sleeping[…]

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Israel Pounds Gaza, Stoking Fears of Invasion

Photo Gaza,  March 25, 2019 by Jean Shaoul, Published on WSWS, May 6, 2019 Just days after being sworn into Israel’s new parliament following the victory of his far-right bloc in last month’s elections, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu authorised a massive aerial assault on Gaza’s defenceless population, targeting at least 150 sites over the weekend. In addition, the Israel Defense[…]

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‘Israel has never been so divisive in modern political history’

Image: The anti-boycott legislation fails to move forward. Josh Ruebner’s screenshot of the vote on January 10, 2019.  — anti-BDS bill fails again in Senate — by Philip Weiss, originally published on Mondoweiss, January 11, 2019 Israel has never been so openly politicized in the United States as it is right now. Yesterday afternoon Senate Democrats voted to block the[…]

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Criticism of Israel: Rand Paul and Marc Lamont Hill Crossing the Red Line in America

by Kareem Rosshandler, from Arab America, December 5, 2018 Two events this past week shook the impasse on public discussion of Palestine, Rand Paul’s defiant hold up of the Senate ‘United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act’ and Marc Lamont Hill’s bold UN speech for the world to support Palestinians in their struggle for freedom and human rights. Paul is a[…]

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The Warmakers

Israel launched a major attack on Syria last night from the occupied Syrian Golan, and Syria retaliated.   The Israelis claimed to be attacking Iran, and they initiated the attack at the same time Trump was announcing the US withdrawal from the JCPOA.   But Syria was targeted and Syria retaliated.   The damages are hard to assess.  Syria was able to mitigate[…]

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