Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Imperialist Relations are Never Based on ‘Trust’

Journalist Wang Wenwen Interviews Sara Flounders, published by Global Times, April 13, 2023 Editor’s Note: The recent leak of highly classified Pentagon documents is yet another proof that the US is the world’s No.1 spying empire. Washington spies not only on its perceived adversaries, but also its allies, which puts the US’ foreign relations in jeopardy. How will the leak[…]

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“Stop US interference”: Interview with the Labour Party of Taiwan

by Wim De Ceukelaire Interview with Wu Rong-yuan, published on No Cold War, February 2023 For those who are interested in a deeper understanding of the history of  multiple occupations of Taiwan throughout the 20th century and U.S. intervention to use Taiwan as a control point and block Chinese independence.   I hope many will take the trouble to ready this. […]

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Afghanistan News Update

Black Alliance for Peace, Published on Black Agenda Report,  February 1, 2023 Propaganda continues to justify the U.S./EU-backed economic war on Afghanistan, which the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) has argued constitutes a crime against humanity . That is why the BAP Solidarity Network’s Afghanistan Committee has steadfastly shone a light on the invasion and 20-year war, its devastating consequences,[…]

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Joe Lombardo Interview: An Objective Look at U.S. Foreign Policy

by John Rachel, published on Peace Dividend, August 10, 2020 Events continue to unfold at a quickening pace. Facing an alarming escalation in tensions around the world, we asked Joe Lombardo for his most current thoughts. We focus here on the realities of the international power struggle unfolding in real time, specifically addressing the role of the U.S. in the[…]

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Interview With Evo Morales; UK Role in Coup That Ousted Him;

by Matt Kennard, published on DeclassifiedUK, July 14, 2022 Matt Kennard interviews the former president of Bolivia about a range of subjects — including the British-backed coup of 2019, Julian Assange, NATO and transnational corporations  — at Morales’ house deep in the Amazon rainforest. THE COUP: ‘The UK participated in it – all for lithium’ THE BRITISH: ‘Superiority is so important to them,[…]

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The War in Ukraine Is Really About U.S. Pursuing Regime Change in Russia

Finian Cunningham interviews Bruce Gagnon, published on Strategic Culture, April 14, 2022 The corporate-dominated media (that lied us into the 2003 “shock and awe” attack on Iraq over non-existent WMD) is trotting out the same strategy again to sell war and deceive the public American peace activist, documentary filmmaker and author Bruce Gagnon analyses the current war in Ukraine with[…]

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On the Streets in Mariupol with Civilian Interviews

by Patrick Lancaster, published on his Youtube Channel I really have been debating whether to feature Patrick Lancaster’s videos for some time.  It is disturbing to see the images from the war zone in Mariupol, but you won’t find first hand information like this in many places.   I am posting his video where he interviews people living in a Soviet[…]

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New trend/ U.S. workers strike and organize at a new pace

by Martha Grevatt, published on Workers World, February 5, 2022 This lightly edited article, based on an interview with Workers World Managing Editor Martha Grevatt, was published Feb. 2 in the Danish Communist Party’s newspaper, “Worker.” With renewed determination, workers in the U.S. are staging strikes, forming unions or quitting their jobs in protest of underpayment and poor working conditions[…]

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What’s Behind The Assassination Of Haitian President Moïses?

by Dan Cohen and Kim Ivers, published on MintPress News, July 9, 2021 Everything you never knew about what is going on in Haiti.  The quote targets the immediate issue, who killed Jovenal Moise, but the entire interview lays out a detailed context.  [jb] The assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse sent shockwaves through the tiny Caribbean island nation and[…]

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