Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

His Name Was Dilwar

Photographer: Keith Harmon Snow Exhibit Name: His Name was Dilwar Location: Afghanistan Republished from: Social Documentary Network As Dr. Alfred McCoy pointed out: On 16 November 2017 the United Nations released its opium report for 2017: total crop area up from 200,000 hectares in 2016 to 328,000 hectares in 2017; the opium harvest nearly doubled since 2016 from 4,600 to[…]

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America’s Enemies, Who’s On the List?

By Professor James Petras, Republished from Global Research, Nov 24, 201 For almost 2 decades, the US pursued a list of ‘enemy countries’ to confront, attack, weaken and overthrow.  This imperial quest to overthrow ‘enemy countries’ operated at various levels of intensity, depending on two considerations:  the level of priority and the degree of vulnerability for a ‘regime change’ operation.[…]

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Close All US Military Bases On Foreign Soil

Originally published on Popular Resistance, July 29, 2017. The Coalition Against Foreign Military Bases is a new campaign focused on closing all US military bases abroad. This campaign strikes at the foundation of US empire, confronting its militarism, corporatism and imperialism. We urge you to endorse this campaign. On the occasion of its announcement, the coalition issued a unity statement, which[…]

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Myanmar’s colonial history feeds current crisis of Rohingyas, Saudi Arabia and U.S.

Originally Posted on The International Action Center Website. The current corporate media attention to the abuses suffered by the mostly Muslim Rohingya people who have crossed from Myanmar into Bangladesh has raised questions as to what is really going on. Background information about the history of Myanmar is essential to an understanding. First called Burma, the name was changed in[…]

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United States Imperialism Continues War in Afghanistan and the Destabilization of Africa

From Central Asia to Chad, Togo and Libya, Western states seek to maintain dominance of the oppressed nations The original source of this article is Global Research Copyright © Abayomi Azikiwe, Global Research, 2017 In just one week the United States government will commemorate its 16th anniversary in the bombing and occupation of Afghanistan. This war did not really begin[…]

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Syrian Victory, The Last Gate

By Judith Bello, Originally published on Deconstructed Globe Syria Has Won According to an interview by Kevork Almassian of Syriana Analysis with Lebanese reporter Marwa Osman, the SAA and their allies have now restored sovereignty to 85% of Syria,   This is a hard won victory, and worth celebrating.    The liberation of the great cities of Syria along with much of[…]

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Assad is Winning

by Margaret Kimberley of Black Agenda Report, reprinted from Freedom Rider  blog The five-year long regime change effort in Syria may soon be over and the United States and its allies will be the losers. The Syrian Arab Army broke the siege of Deir Ezzor, which was one of the last Daesh strongholds in the country. The neocon plot for American[…]

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