Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

US Gunning for Trouble

by Finian Cunningham, published on Information Clearing House, April 7, 2020 April 07, 2020 “Information Clearing House” – The spectre of the coronavirus pandemic in the US has darkened decidedly, with President Trump warning of a harrowing next few weeks from a surging disease death toll. Into the malevolent mix are reports of American citizens buying up firearms as if[…]

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US Blockade Prevents Medical Supplies from Reaching Cuba

Published on TeleSUR English, April 1 , 2020 It is interesting to note that Jack Ma also donated masks and ventilators to the United States.[ed] Jack Ma, a Chinese entrepreneur and founder of Alibaba, allocated a donation of masks, rapid diagnostic kits, and ventilators. This aid was intended for the patients affected by COVID-19 and the medical staff on the[…]

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Israel Confiscates Materials for Clinic in the West Bank

From B’tselem Website, March 26,  2020 This morning, Thursday, 26 March 2020, at around 7:30 am, officials from Israel’s Civil Administration in the West Bank arrived with a military jeep escort, a bulldozer and two flatbed trucks with cranes at the Palestinian community of Khirbet Ibziq in the northern Jordan Valley. They confiscated poles and sheeting that were meant to[…]

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The U.S. is a Failed State and COVID-19 Proves it

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, March 25, 2020 The United States’ capitalist and imperialist economy cannot provide a modicum of social welfare to its people and has been in perpetual war with Black Americans and Indigenous Peoples since its formation. “COVID-19 proves that the United States’ war on the world is a drag on humanity.” U.S. imperialism[…]

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Coronavirus and Militarism, The End of an Illusion

Statement from the Black Alliance for Peace The nation that considers itself to be the apex of capitalist achievement on planet Earth turns out to have no health care system worthy of the name – a testament to the sucking moral vacuum at America’s imperial, white settler colony core. A lowly virus – a form of being that exists at[…]

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Cuba on the front lines of fighting COVID-19

By Mirinda Crissman posted Workers World,  March 24, 2020 Cuba continues to illustrate international health care solidarity in its response to the COVID-19 crisis.  The island nation has sent brigades of doctors and supplies to Italy, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Suriname and Grenada. ( Meanwhile, the United States has been criminally negligent in stopping the spread of COVID-19 and in testing[…]

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The Cost of This Pandemic Must Not Bankrupt the People

by Vijay Prashad and Manuel Bertoldi, published by Independent Media Institute, March 23, 2020 The global pandemic of COVID-19 has spread to almost every country on the planet earth. The virus will take many lives, disrupt communities and institutions, and leave behind trauma and a devastated world economy. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) estimates that by the end[…]

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Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis

from Workers World, published March 18, 2020 As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, the government’s response to the crisis has been criminally negligent, while capitalists would rather risk workers’ health than stop production for profit. As the ruling class shows itself to be incapable of addressing the crisis, how can we, as working class and oppressed people, organize to[…]

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COVID-19 Exposes Failure of U.S. Health Care

Editorial published on Workers World, March 16, 2020 In this pandemic, people in the U.S. should be questioning why the current capitalist health care system seems unable to combat the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. We should be demanding why U.S. officials — from the Trump administration to state and local health care departments — have let this crisis reach[…]

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