Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Iran in America’s Backyard: Raisi’s Defiant Latin America Tour

by Zafar Mehdi, published on The Cradle, June 23, 2023 On 21 June, the US House Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence Subcommittee conducted a hearing on “countering threats posed by nation-state actors” in Latin America to US homeland security. Congressman and subcommittee chair August Pfluger referred to “threats” posed by China, Russia, and Iran to US homeland security within Latin[…]

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5 Reasons Why Much of the Global South Isn’t Automatically Supporting the West in Ukraine

by Krishen Mehta, produced by Globetrotter, February 24, 2023 Krishen Mehta is a member of the Board of the American Committee for U.S.-Russia Accord (ACURA), and a Senior Global Justice Fellow at Yale University. This article is distributed by Globetrotter in partnership with ACURA. In October 2022, about eight months after the war in Ukraine started, the University of Cambridge in the UK[…]

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Top Marine General In Japan Bluntly Describes US Is “Setting The Theatre” For Future War With China

by Tyler Durden, published on Zero Hedge, January 10, 2023 U.S. facilitating militarization of Japan.  Reckless talk by high level U.S. General.  What choice do they leave the Chinese?  [jb] The top Marine Corps General for Japan this week issued some very revealing statements in an interview focused on countering China in the Financial Times. Despite Chinese leadership insisting that[…]

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Washington’s New Iron Curtain in Europe

by Diana Johnstone, published on Peace and Planet News, Fall 2022        (originally published, June 2014) This is interesting.   Notice that everything that is happening now was foreseen at it’s inception.   There was actually a meeting where the gauntlet was thrown down.  [jb] NATO leaders are currently acting out a deliberate charade in Europe, designed to reconstruct an Iron[…]

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How Russia Thwarted US Imperial Plans In Ukraine And Beyond

by Antonio Camacho Negron, published on Multipolarista, August 15, 2022 History testifies, time and time again, that the United States and Europe have always viewed Russia as coveted prey, and more so as a powerful opponent to their expansionist pretensions. Without a doubt, for various reasons that we will detail later, Russia has today become the top geopolitical-military threat to[…]

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Canadian Labour Activists Oppose AUKUS, a New NATO in the Pacific

by Ken Stone, published on The Canada Files, May 20, 2022 This is an excellent overview of AUKUS and the regional responses to it.   Most of our readers are in the U.S. so unfortunately our government is responsible for this aggression against China, but it is interesting to see the numerous forces within Canadian society who object to efforts[…]

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The COVID-19 Pandemic Makes Clear the Need to Cooperate Despite Political Differences

Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, published on Resumen, April 16, 2020 The impact of COVID-19 can already be measured and will be assessed in the future by the striking numbers of people infected, the unacceptable numbers of deaths, the unquestionable damages to the world economy, production, trade, employment and personal income of millions of people. It is a crisis that[…]

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120 Countries Defend Venezuela at the Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Caracus

Published on Resumen LatinoAmericano, July 20, 2019 The 120 Member States of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries (NAM), approved on Saturday an official document ratifying their recognition to the government of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moros, reject any attempt to expel the South American country from the Organization of the United Nations (UN) and[…]

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