Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The U.S. Continues to Escalate in Ukraine

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, February6 1, 2023 The U.S. got more than it bargained for after instigating the Ukrainian conflict. The Biden foreign policy team grows more desperate and their plans become more dangerous as they reckon with the unintended consequences of their actions. “Senator Cruz, like you I am and I think the administration is[…]

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Winds of New Cold War Howling in the Arctic Circle

by Vijay Prashad, produced by Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and published on Consortium News, January 17, 2023 In 1996, the eight countries on the Arctic rim — Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States — formed the Arctic Council, a journey that began in 1989 when Finland approached the other countries to hold a discussion about[…]

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Threat of More U.N. Sanctions on Haiti

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, January 6, 2023 While the huge social, economic and political problems of Haiti have slipped out of the news, if anything they have intensified over the past few months. According to Helen La Lime, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Haiti and Head of BINUH (U.N. Integrated Office in Haiti), “Close[…]

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Antiwar activist faces repression in Germany

by Phil Wilayto, December 31, 2022 June 22, 2022, was the 81st anniversary of Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union, and a prominent German antiwar activist took the occasion to publicly question why the German government is now supporting neo-Nazi organizations in Ukraine. As a result, that activist is now facing the possibility of up to three years in[…]

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German Warmakers Target Antiwar Organizer Heinrich Bücker

by John Catalinotto, published on Workers World, December 22, 2022 Antiwar organizer Heinrich Bücker, who operates the Co-op Anti-War Cafe in Berlin, Germany, faces charges stemming from his speech at a protest last June. His case impacts antiwar activists worldwide. Bücker’s speech focused on the horrors the Nazi Wehrmacht inflicted on Ukraine during German imperialism’s World War II occupation of[…]

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‘On the way to a new world order − for cooperation instead of confrontation!’

German Peace Council (Friedensratschlag), published on International Action Center, December 19, 2022 The old U.S.-dominated unipolar world order is coming to an end. The United States and its allies are using all means to try to stop this development. At the risk of a major war, they are intensifying their proxy war in Ukraine against Russia and at the same[…]

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‘Minsk II Was Agreed On To Arm Ukraine’ – Did Merkel Really Say That?

by  Moon of Alabama, published Popular Resistance, December 10, 2022 Helmholtz Smith, Andrew Korybko and Andrei Martyanov have some thoughts about a recent interview the former German chancellor Angela Merkel gave to the German weekly broadsheet Die Zeit. Smith says it shows that the ‘West’ is not trustworthy. Korybko thinks the interview will prolong the conflict in Ukraine. Martyanov says that Merkel is stupid. She isn’t. In[…]

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Washington’s New Iron Curtain in Europe

by Diana Johnstone, published on Peace and Planet News, Fall 2022        (originally published, June 2014) This is interesting.   Notice that everything that is happening now was foreseen at it’s inception.   There was actually a meeting where the gauntlet was thrown down.  [jb] NATO leaders are currently acting out a deliberate charade in Europe, designed to reconstruct an Iron[…]

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The Burden Western Liberals Impose Only on Palestinians

by Joseph Massad, published on Electronic Intifada, November 9, 2022 Since the beginning of Zionist Jewish colonization of their country in the 1880s, Palestinians have faced demands that they carry a double burden: to fight off the Jewish racist colonists while having to defend their colonizers against anti-Jewish European Christian racism. No other colonized people has been forced to carry[…]

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