Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Briefing: The Effects of the Economic Blockade of Venezuela

from the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, The blockade in context The U.S. has been pursuing a strategy of ‘regime change’ through destabilising Venezuela dating back to the early years of Hugo Chávez’s presidency. This led George W. Bush’s administration to support the failed coup d’état against Chávez in 2002 and also the right-wing management lock-out in the oil industry. The lock-out,[…]

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Gangster Politics: U.S. War Threats Intensify on Iran

Image from US Embassy Correspondence, Tiblisi, Georgia by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World and IAC blogs, May 21, 2019 May 20 — Another U.S. initiated crisis reached an ominous level this past week with President Trump’s announcement that Iran suddenly presented a new, unspecified threat, serious enough to send a U.S. Naval aircraft carrier battle group churning toward the[…]

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The US Must Grow Up And Respect Iranian Independence

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, March 10, 2019 One of the lessons from our recent visit to Iran as a Peace Delegation is that Iran is a mature country. It is 2,500 years old, ten times as old as the United States and one of the world’s oldest continuous major civilizations with settlements dating back to 7,000[…]

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Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony

Drawing by Nathaniel St. Claire for Counterpunch by Michael Hudson, published on CounterPunch Blog, February 8, 2019 The end of America’s unchallenged global economic dominance has arrived sooner than expected, thanks to the very same Neocons who gave the world the Iraq, Syria and the dirty wars in Latin America. Just as the Vietnam War drove the United States off[…]

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Venezuela Fights Back! The Bolivarian Revolution Continues!

Photo: A Venezuelan supporter of President Nicolas Maduro gold a sign that reads: “Going forward with Maduro.”  ~TeleSUR Gallery, January 2019 by Alison Bodine, Fire This Time, January, 2019 A summary of the words most commonly appearing in mainstream news headlines about Venezuela in 2018 would include “humanitarian crisis,” “chaos,” “dictatorship,” and “failed state,” among other alarming buzzwords. Far reflecting[…]

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NICA-Act-2: US NICA Act Aims to Cut Nicaragua Access to Capital While Nicaragua Targets US Funding Pipeline to the Opposition

by Chuck Kaufman, from NicaNotes, December 19, 2018 The Nicaraguan government removed the legal standing last week of nine non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that supported the attempted coup that disrupted much of the country for three months last spring and summer. It should also be remembered that Violeta Chamorro removed the legal standing of nine NGOs when she was president from[…]

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Call to Respect the Sovereignty of the People of Venezuela

Photo: Supporters of late Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez take part in a campaign rally Nov. 28, 2015, held by pro-government candidates for the upcoming parliamentary elections, in Caracas. Venezuela will hold parliamentary elections on Dec. 6. (Reuters) From In Defense of Humanity  December 21, 2018 The sixth presidential election in the contemporary history of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela took[…]

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GM to close five plants in US and Canada, slash 14,700 jobs

Photo: Workers leaving the Detroit-Hamtramck plant before the elimination of the second shift in March 2017 by Jerry White, from the World Socialist Website, November 27, 2018 General Motors officials announced yesterday that the Detroit-based automaker will close five plants in the US and Canada in 2019 and another two, still unspecified, plants outside of North America. The elimination of[…]

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