Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The US Plot to Finalize the Theft of Venezuela’s Oil

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, August 2, 2023 The U.S. has used its influence to steal another country’s oil revenues. Venezuela is in the crosshairs because it dares to be socialist in the hemisphere the U.S. claims as it’s “backyard.” It was always about the oil. United States assertions that the government of elected president Nicolas Maduro[…]

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Joe Biden Triggers Paralysis in the Production of Strategic Semiconductor Chips

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, published on Global Research, July 23, 2023 Semiconductors constitute a strategic commodity, used in a variety of sectors including electronics, medical devices, electronic and communications networks etc.  There is evidence of manipulation, which has led to artificial shortages of semiconductors affecting a number of key sectors of the global economy. There are geopolitical implications: US Confrontation[…]

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Nicaragua Celebrates its Revolution While the US Plans New Sanctions Against It

by Roger Harris, published on Internationalist 360°, July 27, 2023 “We are fighting against the Yankee enemy of humanity,” explained Nicaraguan Vice President Rosario Murillo, setting the tone of the 44th anniversary celebration of their revolution. Later, her husband Daniel Ortega, the country’s president, elaborated in his hour and a half address: “When we use the term Yankee we mean[…]

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German Deindustrialization Continues Unabated Due to Berlin’s Suicidal Energy Policies

by Drago Bosnic, published on InfoBRICS, July 25, 2023 For close to a year and a half, the German economy has been going through a sort of unraveling, primarily due to suicidal subservience to its masters in Washington DC. Since the start of Russia’s counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe, Berlin has been experiencing a plethora of major economic problems[…]

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The Next Aggression that the U.S. is Preparing against Venezuela

from Mision Verdad, translated and published on Resumen English, July 21, 2023 This year, the legislative arm in Washington has introduced three bills in the U.S. Congress against Venezuela: the Prohibition of Transactions and Leases with Venezuela’s Illegitimate Authoritarian Regime Act, the Venezuelan Human Rights “AFFECT” Act and the Venezuelan Democracy Act. The bills have a common denominator: to further[…]

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As Yellen Dictates Terms to China What We Defend, What Wall Street Wants to Destroy

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, July 21, 2023 What is the material basis of the growing hostility on every level of the U.S. ruling class toward China? No great struggle is based on the personalities or aspirations of individuals. At the root is a very concrete, material basis that drives the conflict. Otherwise, meetings, discussions and diplomacy would[…]

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Multipolar Maneuvering in Indo-Pacific

by M.K. Bhadrakumar, published on Indian Punchline, July 19, 2023 On Monday, while delivering the keynote address at the annual China Business Summit held in Auckland, New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins weighed in on the power dynamic in the Indo-Pacific. New Zealand’s estimation matters because it is a small country in Southern Pacific, heavily dependent on trade with China[…]

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World Hunger and the War in Ukraine

by Vijay Prashad, produced by Globetrotter, July 19 2023 The header image gives a little perspective.  It says that Ukraine is not in the same class as Russia in terms of the amount of grain it exports.  In fact The U.S., Canada, Australia and France all export larger quantities of wheat than Ukraine, but significantlu less than Russia.   [jb] On[…]

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Nicaraguans Celebrate 44th Anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution

Under Stewardship of Original Revolutionary Leader Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua Remains a Beacon for Social Progress Despite Crushing U.S. Sanctions by Lauren Smith, published on CovertAction Magazine, July 19, 2023 In the United States, the word “socialism” has come to have a negative meaning. In that meaning, the word implies the loss of individual sovereignty, rejection of religion and the institution[…]

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Celebrating The Sandinista Revolution, Ongoing Resistance To US Intervention

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance/Clearing the Fog, July 11, 2023 On July 19, Nicaraguans will celebrate the 44th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution. This month also marks the fifth anniversary of the defeat of the US-backed coup attempt against President Daniel Ortega. Clearing the FOG speaks with solidarity activist and journalist John Perry, who is based in Masaya,[…]

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