Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Ukraine, War Propaganda and the Return of Russiagate

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, February 26, 2025 We must be able to acknowledge that Donald Trump has created a serious constitutional crisis while also recognizing that changing the U.S. relationship with Russia is groundbreaking and a necessity. “Mueller Finds No Trump Russia Conspiracy …” proclaimed a portion of a New York Times headline on March 24,[…]

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Biden Sliding Towards World War III

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, May 29. 2024 The idea of a world war should not be relegated to science fiction. Western escalations in Ukraine could lead to conflict with a nuclear power. “Constant escalation can lead to serious consequences. If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our[…]

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Rejecting the Facade: Unveiling the Ecological Toll of War and Genocide

by Melissa Garriga, April 20, 2024 As Earth Day approaches [Actually it was a few days ago -jb], prepare for the annual spectacle of U.S. lawmakers donning their environmentalist hats, waxing poetic about their love for the planet while disregarding the devastation their actions wreak. The harsh reality is that alongside their hollow pledges lies a trail of destruction fueled[…]

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Imperialist Relations are Never Based on ‘Trust’

Journalist Wang Wenwen Interviews Sara Flounders, published by Global Times, April 13, 2023 Editor’s Note: The recent leak of highly classified Pentagon documents is yet another proof that the US is the world’s No.1 spying empire. Washington spies not only on its perceived adversaries, but also its allies, which puts the US’ foreign relations in jeopardy. How will the leak[…]

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Can You Fight for Climate Justice Without Being Antiwar?

by Teddy Ogborn, produced by CodePink, April 13, 2023 Can organizations sincerely say they are leading the climate justice fight without also being unapologetically antiwar? Short answer – no. Here’s why. We cannot end climate change without ending war. The United States military is the planet’s largest single emitter of greenhouse gasses and consumer of oil. The US military and[…]

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Protest at the White House, March 18, Against US Proxy War In Ukraine

by John V. Walsh, published on Counterpunch, March 15, 2023 This protest did occur with about 2,500 people in attendance.  We rallied across the street from the White House in Lafayette Park, with numerous speakers, then marched through the streets of DC to the Washington Post offices, an then to a church where there was an indoor rally, or “teach-in”[…]

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Ukraine: It’s All About Fossil Fuels

by Jill Clark-Golub, published on Popular Resistance, February 14, 2023 Seymour Hersh, considered one of the United States’ most accomplished investigative journalists, has just published a story giving forensic details about how the U.S. government blew up the Nordstream 1 and 2 pipelines. It is an indictment of the Biden administration at the highest level and confirms growing suspicions that the[…]

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Ukraine War protestors: “Negotiations Now!”

by Reginald Johnson, October 25, 2022 MIDDLETOWN, CT — Peace activists took to the streets here Saturday to protest the war in Ukraine and warn people that the conflict threatens to become a nuclear holocaust. Gathering on the corner of Main and Washington, the demonstrators held signs and passed out fliers which said “Prevent Nuclear War” and “Negotiations Now.” “We’ve[…]

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NY Times Shifts Pro-War Narrative, Documents Failure of US in Ukraine

by John V. Walsh, published on, May 13, 2022 Seeing the most prolific liar acknowledge the truth gives me a headache.  Cognitive dissonance, has my ears ringing.  I don’t know what to make of it.   But, if they will never acknowledge the cause, at least it is good to see them note the increasingly apparent and deadly consequences.  […]

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Intel Vets: Nuclear Weapons Cannot Be Un-Invented

Statement from Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Peace, published on, May 1, 2022 MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: Nuclear Weapons Cannot Be Un-invented, Thus … PRECEDENCE: IMMEDIATE REF: Our Memo of 12/20/20, “Don’t Be Suckered on Russia” May 1, 2022 Mr. President: Mainstream media have marinated the minds of most Americans in a[…]

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