Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

A Political History of Zionism and Palestine

by Charles Pierce, published on Dissident Voice, October 10, 2023 1. Doctrine. Zionism was devised by some middle-class Jewish Europeans (most prominently Lev Pinsker and Theodore Herzl) as one response to horrendous late 19th century anti-Jewish persecutions in Europe. Like many of their contemporaries among nationalistic privileged-class European intellectuals and like the Nazis who came later, the Zionists conceived of[…]

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The Neocons’ Frankenstein Syndrome in Niger

by Julia Wright, published on Workers World, September 14, 2023 Mary Shelley, who wrote “Frankenstein,” published in 1819, was an English abolitionist born to radical feminist Mary Wollstonecraft and anarchist political philosopher William Godwin. Not only did she advocate the end of slavery, but in her father’s drawing room she overheard discussions about the beginning and the ending of biological[…]

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People Of Niger Want To Shatter Resignation

By Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, August 25, 2023 In 1958, the poet and trade union leader Abdoulaye Mamani of Zinder (Niger) won an election in his home region against Hamani Diori, one of the founders of the Nigerien Progressive Party. This election result posed a problem for French colonial authorities, who wanted Diori to lead the new[…]

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Haiti: U.N. Sanctioned Occupation is a Done Deal

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, August 18, 2023 The U.S. government has finally found a country in the Global South willing to lead a U.N.-approved intervention “to assist Haitian police in restoring security.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed Aug. 1 on X (formerly Twitter): “We commend the government of Kenya for responding to Haiti’s call.” Since Kenyan[…]

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War in Africa and War in the Americas: Accelerating the End of White World Supremacy

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, August 2, 2023 “The structural crisis of capitalism in its neoliberal form has created a legitimacy crisis for the capitalist rulers, making the use of force a permanent strategy for maintaining their dominance.” (from the Black Alliance for Peace Website) The U.S. recently deployed troops to Peru to shore-up the coup in[…]

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The Terrible Origins of July 4th

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, July 4, 2023 The causes of the July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence are rarely taught in this country. The American colonists chafed under British rules limiting their settlements and feared they would end slavery. The “patriots” motives were anything but noble. This article was originally published in Black Agenda Report in 2021. “He[…]

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Palestinians are Prohibited From Defending Their Families From Violent Aggression

by Gideon Levy, published on Israel-Palestine News, June 28, 2023 This article personalizes something we all know already ….or do we?  It is difficult to put yourself in their shoes, even for a moment. There aren’t many populations in the world as helpless as the Palestinians who live in their own country. No one protects their lives and property, let[…]

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Issues Behind the Indian Child Welfare Act

by Will Hodgkinson, published on Workers World, June 22, 2023 Bulletin: In a major victory for Native nations and Tribal Sovereignty, the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in a June 15, 2023, decision. Had SCOTUS failed to uphold ICWA, the results would have been disastrous.   The article below was[…]

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Israel’s Upheaval is Palestine’s Opportunity

by Haim Bresheeth-Žabner, published on The Electronic Intifada, June 4, 2023 How are we to understand the incredible events in Israel since January 2023? On the one hand, there is the amazing invention and deep commitment of the hundreds of thousands who come out weekly to protest proposed judicial reforms – with their witty hand-painted posters, their music and their[…]

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Lebanon Under Occupation, Financial Fraud and Sectarian Political Corruption

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, June 18, 2023 Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia met with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on June 16. One of the items on their agenda was Lebanon, which has close historical and language ties to France. The tiny Mediterranean country has been in financial collapse for several years, and[…]

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