Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The United States of Distraction, A Book Review

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, May 6, 2020 The authors recount and document the descent into “post-truth” partisan journalism from the alt-right to the right, liberal, and even independent left media, between 2016 and now. “Team Clinton had imagined Trump would be the easiest Republican to beat, but the strategy backfired.” The complete title of Mickey Huff[…]

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COVID-19 Covers Up War and Financial Collapse

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, March 18. 2020 COVID-19 is not just a health emergency. It has exposed the causes of inequality and suffering in this country. “Thousands of symptomatic people go untested in a supposedly “advanced” country.” The COVID-19 corona virus is a newly discovered disease which killed thousands of people in China, its country of[…]

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Cuba: A Case Study of Corporate Media Disinformation

by Stansfield Smith, published on Dissident Voice, March 11, 2020 Some alternative media have exposed the US government and its corporate media fake news reporting on Russian “election interference,” on Venezuela, the war on Syria, China’s Xinjiang and Hong Kong, Nicaragua, Palestine, among others. One of the longest running media disinformation campaigns has been directed at Cuba, well covered in[…]

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Mistrial in Trump Admin’s Biased Case Against Venezuelan Embassy Protectors is Win for Sovereignty

by Leonardo Flores, published on The Grayzone, February 14, 2020 A hung jury in the Donald Trump administration’s case against activists who were arrested protecting Venezuela’s internationally recognized embassy in Washington, DC is being heralded as a major win for sovereignty, amid the US government’s floundering coup attempt against the Chavista government in Caracas. On February 14, a jury of[…]

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American Ideals And The Assange Extradition Case

by Nozomi Hayase, published on Consortium News, January 23, 2020 Originally published on Common Dreams, January 19,2020 The indictment of Assange is recognized by many free speech groups as the most important press freedom case of our time. Yet, with mainstream media blackout and utter silence of political leaders on this important issue, criminalization of journalism goes on without much[…]

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Under US Pressure, Social Media Companies Censor Critical Content and Suspend Venezuelan,Iranian and Syrian Accounts

by Ben Norton, published on  The Grayzone, January 12, 2020 The Donald Trump administration is ramping up its information war against Venezuela, Iran, and Syria. And it has enlisted social media platforms as weapons in its assault on these top regime-change targets. In the first two weeks of January, Twitter suspended dozens of accounts run by real, live people —[…]

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Whitewashing Neoliberal Repression in Chile and Ecuador

by Lucas Koerner, published on FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) October 23, 2019 Throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, people are rising up against right-wing, US-backed governments and their neoliberal austerity policies. Currently in Chile, the government of billionaire Sebastian Piñera has deployed the army to crush nationwide demonstrations against inequality sparked by a subway fare hike. In Ecuador,[…]

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The Imperial Propaganda Machine: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on The Medium, November 5, 2019 It’s important to avoid fake news, Russian media or conspiracy theorists. We must only trust those reputable news outlets who tell us that neoliberalism is working fine, that US foreign policy is perfectly sane, and that protests are only happening in Hong Kong and nowhere else. The difference between state[…]

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