Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Myths, the Silence, and the Propaganda That Keep Nuclear Weapons in Existence

Remarks by David Swanson, August 4, 2019, Poulsboro, WA This week, 74 years ago, the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were each hit with a single nuclear bomb that had the power of a third to a half of what NPR calls a low-yield or “usable” weapon. By NPR I mean both the Nuclear Posture Review and National Public Radio,[…]

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Disrupting Elliott Abrams on Venezuela

ELX02 WASHINGTON (USA), 25/04 / 2019.- An activist from the pacifist and leftist group “Codepink” interrupts the US special envoy  for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, during his speech at the panel “Venezuela after Maduro: A vision for the future of the country” held Thursday at the Atlantic Council in Washington (USA). EFE / Erik S. Lesser by Pat Elder, from CodePink,[…]

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In Venezuela 23F ended up ‘one more collapsed coup’

Photo: US Solidarity Delegation to Venezuela From Workers World, 3/25/2019 The following are excerpts from an interview by Mario Hernández with Argentine economist and political analyst Claudio Katz published by on March 20. ( Translated by Michael Otto. Mario Hernández: You wrote an article in La Haine, “Venezuela defines the future of the entire region.” Why? Claudio Katz: Because[…]

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UNAC Statement on the U.S. Led Coup in Venezuela

UNAC Emergency Call to Action… U.S. Hands Off Venezuela! No to the U.S.-orchestrated Coup! Self-determination for Venezuela! All out on February 23 and March 30! The U.S. imperial colossus is poised once again to launch a regime change invasion and war on Venezuela. The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), in alliance with hundreds of antiwar and social justice organizations across[…]

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Even In “Revolutionary Countries” Mass Media Is Still In The Hands Of The Right

by Andre Vltchek, from Countercurrents Blog, October 7, 2018 How could a country win her fight against Western imperialism, how could it become truly independent, if its people are fully conditioned, through the mass media and education, by the North American and European doctrines and world view? Wherever I work and struggle in this world, I am always amazed, even[…]

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North Korea Issue is Not De-Nuclearization but De-Colonization

by Ajamu Baraka, originally published on Black Agenda Report, June 13, 2018 “The psychopathology of white supremacy invisibilizes the absurdity and illegitimacy of the United States being in a position to negotiate the fate of millions of Koreans.” The critics had already signaled their strategy for derailing any meaningful move toward normalizing relations between the United States and North Korea.[…]

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The Foundation For International Justice Is Anti-Imperialism

Above: An Anti-Imperialist Mural in Caracas, Venezuela. From Telesur. by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, originally published on Popular Resistance, June 10, 2018 The United States has had a policy of imperialism beginning after the Civil War. The US way of war, developed against Indigenous peoples, spread worldwide as the US sought to extend its power through military force, economic[…]

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