Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Urgent Call: Gaza under attack! Stand with Palestine, Stand with the Resistance

Bombs are once again falling on Gaza, the largest open air prison in the world, packed with civilians.   The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine calls in an urgent action for the friends of Palestine, movements for justice and liberation and the Palestinian and Arab communities everywhere in the world to stand with Gaza under attack at this critical[…]

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End the Wars at Home and Abroad Panel Discussion

The continuous and never-ending wars abroad have contributed to the militarization of the U.S. borders, communities and the entire country. Important reforms that have been fought for by generations of activists are under attack by both major political parties. It is by understanding we have a common enemy that we can build a mass movement to fight back. Editor: This[…]

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Puerto Rico Tribunal Verdict: U.S. Is Guilty Of Crimes Against Humanity

Image: Header from Puerto Rico Tribunal Facebook Page Editor’s note:  This post is composed of information from the Puerto Rico Tribunal Facebook Page, from information circulated by the Black Alliance for Peace, and from posts on The International Action Center ( IAC) website (prologue) and Popular Resistance Newsletter (followup). The following is a summary of the indictment prepared by Agusto[…]

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International Tribunal to expose U.S. colonial crimes in Puerto Rico

By Berta Joubert-Ceci , from International Action Center (IAC) website, July 24, 2018 This year marks the 120th anniversary of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Puerto Rico during the Spanish-U.S. war, which ended with the U.S. capturing Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines and Guam. July 25, 1898, was the day when U.S. ships, commanded by General Nelson A. Miles[…]

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How to Talk About the Migrant Caravan

A protest in Iowa coinciding with a state visit by A.G. Jeff Sessions, organised by Iowa CCI in partnership with AFSC., Photo: AFSC / Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Editor’s Note: I liked this article because it provides talking points for those engaged in political conversation with non-activists.  And, regardless of where we stand on political change, there are instances[…]

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Fleeing crisis ‘made in USA,’ Honduran migrants march into Mexico

Photo: Members of a migrant caravan walk into the interior of Mexico after crossing the Guatemalan border on October 21, 2018, near Ciudad Hidalgo, Mexico. ~John Moore/Getty Images by By Sam Ordóñez, published on Workers World, October 24 Oct. 22 — A caravan of thousands of migrants, including small children, traveling to the United States reached the Mexico-Guatemala border on[…]

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Activists Resist Proposed Rules to Curtail Protest in the Parks and Streets of Washington DC

Image: 1971 protest against the Vietnam War Popular Resistance submitted this articulate and detailed comment in opposition to proposed changes by the National Park Service intended to curtail public use of the parks in Washington DC for the purpose of protest actions and civilian gatherings to “petition the Government [notably located in Washington DC) for a redress of grievances”.  by[…]

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Washington’s Long War on Syria Isn’t About to End

Featured Image from Washington’s Long War on Syria Isn’t About to End: On the Contrary, the White House Has Blessed Pentagon Plans for More Aggression By Stephen Gowans, from Whats Left, September 10, 2018 The United States has a new strategy for Syria, according to The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. The new direction, however, is simply[…]

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“Abolish ICE”? Then Why Not Abolish All US Militarism?

by Doug Noble, originally published on CounterPunch, August 21, 2018 US antiwar and antidrone activists have for years bumped up against a major obstacle in our organizing of fellow citizens: Namely, the chasm of disconnect between our own understanding (shared by most of the world’s population) of the US as the most evil, dangerous militarized threat in the world, on[…]

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Gaza Is Not a Country, and so Israel Is Not Protecting Its Borders

Gaza Strip – May 15 – Israeli Soldiers are shooting civilians in their legs. But they have killed many. Others are in critical condition. Hospitals are swamped with over 3,000 patients. Gaza Strip – May 15, Reuters by Aida Winfred, originally published on Mondoweiss A BBC report published July 20, 2018 accepts the framing of killing of Palestinian civilians as a “defense[…]

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