Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Drones In the Sahara

by Joe Penny An American Base with Ground Operations in Nigeria Late in the morning of October 4 last year, a convoy of Nigerien and American special forces soldiers in eight vehicles left the village of Tongo Tongo. As they made their way between mud-brick houses with thatched roofs, they were attacked from one side by dozens of militants, if[…]

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Why the Shooting Will Continue

by Margaret Kimberley, originally published on Black Agenda Report Shooting White People Apparently there is nothing worse in America than the act of shooting white people. Ever since the latest attack at a Florida high school there has been talk of little else. The school shooting enveloped every other issue and was used to vilify Russia, the FBI, Bernie Sanders[…]

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Time is Not on Yemen’s Side

by Kathy Kelly, originally posted on Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Feb 20, 2018 Kathy Kelly, on Feb 15 2018, addressed NY’s “Stony Point Center” outlining the history of peaceful resistance and U.S.-engineered catastrophe in Yemen. TRANSCRIPT: So, thank you very much to Erin who apparently had asked the question “What are we going to do about Yemen?” and that was[…]

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Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! All out Feb. 26 and March 27!

By John Leslie, originally published on Socialist Action New mobilizations are planned in the case of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. The events will take place at a critical juncture in Mumia’s case, which opened up with the Williams v. Pennsylvania decision, presenting an opportunity, after so much struggle, to finally win Mumia’s freedom. This is particularly urgent because Mumia’s health[…]

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U.S. and Allies Look to Military Intervention in Venezuela

The signals that the U.S wants the military to overthrow Nicolas Maduro, the elected president of Venezuela, are growing stronger by the day. | AP by W.T. Whitney, Jr. originally published on People’s World, Feb 20, 2018 The Bolivarian social and political movement first led by former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and holding state power since 1999 has long faced[…]

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Of Wars, Childhood and Guns

Of Wars, Childhood and Guns: an Iraqi-American Woman’s Plea for Change Guest Post by Tiba Fatli At the age of 13, my family packed our belongings (one small bag each) and fled Iraq headed towards Syria. As a non-white naturalized American citizen, I am often asked mostly by strangers ‘where I am from,’ which is almost always followed by daunting[…]

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Billboards Opposing Drone Wars Are Going Up All Over Syracuse, NY

by David Swanson, originally published on World Beyond War, Feb 21. 2018 World Beyond War has been raising funds for and renting billboards in opposition to war. We’ve run into censorship from numerous billboard companies but persevered, and more billboards are on their way. First we put this message up here in Charlottesville, Va., and then in Baltimore, Md. (see[…]

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