Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Opioid Epidemic in America – Killing One Million Workers: The Triumph of Capital

A uniquely relevant research piece on the current opiod crisis from Global Research. Introduction The link between capitalism and drugs reaches back to the middle of the 19th century, when the British Empire forced their surplus opium crop from their South Asian colonies into the Chinese market creating massive demand from millions of addicts. The Chinese government, which had banned[…]

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My Fellow Americans: Please Wake Up

Your Tax Dollars at Work: Civilian Casualties of Coalition Airstrike Near Village of Duaij, Syria, Nov. 11, 2017 by Rich Whitney, originally published on Medium, Jan 27, 2018 On January 13, 2018, warplanes for the U.S.-led Coalition in Syria, fired missiles on Hajin city, in the eastern suburbs of Deir Ez-Zour of that devastated country, killing five civilians. According to the[…]

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Women’s Marches Get a Huge Turnout Nationwide

Indigenous women gather before the Women’s March in Phoenix, Ariz. Photo by Lorraine Longhi. by Ann Montague, originally published on Socialist Action, Jan 27, 2018 Once again women hit the streets on Jan. 20 and 21. The U.S. marches were decentralized in nature but the turnout was high. They reflected the burning anger and determination to resist that many women[…]

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Intersectionality is a Hole (Part 1)

Time to begin critically unpacking intersectionality and its nappy headed stepchild afro-pessimism Intersectionality is a Hole. Afro-Pessimism is a Shovel. We need to Stop Digging. (Part 1) By Bruce Dixon, originally published on Black Agenda Report,  Jan 25, 2018 The US left has a fundamental problem, perhaps the root of most of its other problems. That fundamental problem is that[…]

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Doug Jones vs. Roy Moore: Lesser Evilism Wins in Alabama

By Jeff Mackler, originally published on Socialist Action “Our opponent,” said Kayla Moore, wife of the now defeated Republican Party U.S. Senate candidate in Alabama, “who is an ultra-liberal, who was an Obama delegate, who is for full-term abortions, who is for more gun restrictions, who is for transgender bathrooms, who is for transgender [people] in the military—is against everything[…]

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War in Syria / U.S., a Wounded Predator, Spreads Chaos in Middle East

US forces wearing YPG patches (AP) By Sara Flounders U.S. imperialism’s deteriorating position in the Middle East was confirmed on Jan. 17, by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s bold assertion for U.S. plans in Syria. The arrogant statement was followed, within hours, by almost immediate backpedaling. Tillerson’s talk at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University confirmed that the only hope[…]

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NATO: Moving Ever Closer Toward Russia

This map of NATO members and allies from  gives you an idea of what Phil is describing. By Phil Wilayto When the North American Treaty Organization, or NATO, was founded on April 4, 1949, it had 12 members: the U.S., Canada and 10 Western European countries. By then the wartime cooperation with the Soviet Union was long over and[…]

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North and South Discuss Olympic Cooperation | U.S. Considers “Limited Strike” on N Korea

from Zoom In Korea On January 9, high-level officials from North and South Korea met to discuss the North’s participation in the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea in February. The inter-Korean meeting was held in the village of Panmunjom at the border of the divided Korean Peninsula. On January 1, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un expressed hope for[…]

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Palestine Leadership Suspends Recognition of Israel

by Wayne DeLucca, originally published on Socialist Action The Palestine Liberation Organization’s central council voted on Jan. 15 to “suspend recognition of Israel until it recognizes the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders and revokes the decision to annex East Jerusalem and expand and build settlements.” This is an important move that would also reverse the Palestinian leadership’s adherence[…]

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