Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murder of Unarmed Palestinians

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murder of Unarmed Palestinians by Israeli Security Forces APRIL 2, 2018—A reported 17,000 Palestinians peacefully marched in Gaza on March 30 as they made their historic demand for a right to return to their ancestral lands when they were met by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) snipers who opened fire, killing 17 people and wounding[…]

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Gun Debate, a Narrow Opportunity for the Democrats, a Wide One for The Left

March for Our Lives, Atlanta, GA Democrats want a gun debate on narrow and limited ground avoiding the settler-slavemaster-colonial origin of the 2nd Amendment, and the ubiquity of armed white patriarchal US violence across the planet. Will we let them have it? by Bruce Dixon, originally published on Black Agenda Report Last weekend the March For Our Lives mobilized half[…]

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Marching for the Democrats: Another Farce on Washington?

by Ajamu Baraka, originally published on Black Agenda Report “The opportunism of the Democrats made these students and their pain easy targets.” “They called in [Roy] Wilkins; they called in [A. Philip] Randolph; they called in these national Negro leaders that you respect and told them, ‘Call it off.’ Kennedy said, ‘Look, you all are letting this thing go too[…]

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South Korean Progressives to Washington: Support Peace Talks and Halt the War Exercises

by Zoom In Korea staff, published on Zoom In Korea, March 27, 2018 Kim Jong-hoon, a member of South Korea’s National Assembly and co-chair of the progressive Minjung Party, led a delegation to Washington on March 20-21 to appeal to U.S. lawmakers about supporting efforts for peace on the Korean Peninsula. The U.S. Congress and Senate should not just watch[…]

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The Liberation of East Ghouta

Statement by the Syria Solidarity Movement The complete liberation of Eastern Ghouta is imminent. Just as during the liberation of Aleppo, western governments and mainstream media inflated the numbers of trapped civilians and accused Syrian government forces of deliberately targeting them, failing to provide them with humanitarian aid, preventing their evacuation, and indiscriminately bombing them in Eastern Ghouta.  And, just[…]

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The School Firing Range

Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School  in Parkland, Florida practice in the school’s firing range. Originally published on the National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy (NCPSP) 1,600 high schools have marksmanship programs affiliated with the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Program and the congressionally-chartered Civilian Marksmanship Program, (CMP). Children are regularly taught to fire air rifles that are classified as[…]

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Exonerating the Empire in Venezuela

by Gregory Shupak, originally published in FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), March 22, 2018 The United States has for years undermined the Venezuelan economy with economic sanctions, but US media coverage of Venezuela’s financial crisis has gone out of its way to obscure this. The intent of the sanctions is clear: to inflict maximum pain on Venezuela so as[…]

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The Sentencing of Ahed, Nariman and Nour Tamimi: The Struggle Continues!

“There is no justice under the occupation and this court is illegal.”   – Ahed Tamimi, 21 March 2018 from Samidoun Palestinian teen activist Ahed Tamimi, 17, was sentenced by an Israeli military court on Tuesday, 21 March to eight months in Israeli prison. The sentencing came after a plea bargain was reached in the case and confirmed by the military court; the[…]

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Smash Rape Culture and Capitalism

By Monica Moorehead,  originally posted on Workers World, March 22, 2018 This is a slightly edited version of a talk given at a Workers World Party forum on Feb. 3, titled “Women and the Struggle for Socialism,” in New York City. How could you have not been horrified at hearing woman after woman share their painful experiences of being sexually[…]

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