Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Multipolar World Against War!

A call to action from one of our European Allies. by Heinrich Buecker of Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin. April 6, 2018 A Call for International Solidarity with Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, Iran, Bolivia, Palestine and all nations that stand for Peace and Diplomacy. The West‘s aggressive propaganda campaign against Russia (and its other perceived enemies) has reached dangerously hysterical proportions.[…]

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Washington and Riyadh’s Terror Enterprise

by Tony Cartalucci, previously published on New Eastern Outlook and Global Research For decades the United States and its NATO allies have helped Saudi Arabia export methods of political indoctrination known as Wahhabism to radicalize individuals and swell the ranks of mercenary forces used to wage proxy wars abroad and manipulate Western populations at home. What began as a means[…]

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Latin America: ‘Lula’s Condemnation a Blow to Brazil Democracy’

Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez (R) welcomes Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva at Miraflores Palace in Caracas, 2007. | Photo: Reuters Progressive and socialist leaders respond to Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s arrest and imprisonment: from TeleSUR, April 5, 2018 Latin America‘s leaders are expressing their solidarity and condemning Brazil‘s decision to deny former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva‘s habeas corpus petition as[…]

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Seven things you need to know about Israel’s latest attack on Gaza

by Michael Lesher, first published on ZNet, April 5 2018 Being of mild disposition, I am ill suited to describe in detail the thuggery by which the putative Jewish State executed 17 of its 2 million Gaza prisoners (wounding some 1,400 more) by way of inaugurating the Jewish Festival of Liberation last Friday. Fortunately, however, there is no need of such descriptive talent. The[…]

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Nonviolence, the Poor People’s Campaign and the Work of Gene Sharp

Civil Resistance at Hancock Base, 2016 ~photo by Heriberto Rodriguez by Ann Tiffany and Ed Kinane, originally published on Voices for Creative Nonviolence Activist, author and scholar Gene Sharp died this past January 28. Inspired by Gandhi and deeply informed by history, Sharp (b.1928) founded the Albert Einstein Institution in Boston. Back in the 80s, Ed plowed through Sharp’s three-volume,[…]

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Citing ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Motto, 3,000+ Google Employees Demand Company End Work on Pentagon Drone Project

More than 3,000 Google employees have demanded that their company end its involvement in a Pentagon contract to analyze imagery, potentially to improve the targeting of drone strikes. (Photo: by Julia Conley of Common Dreams, originally published on Common Dreams, March 4, 2018 More than 3,000 Google employees have signed a letter that’s circulating in the company demanding that[…]

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King’s Legacy Betrayed

by Margaret Kimberley, originally published on Consortium News, March 4, 2018 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the preeminent leader of the black liberation movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Millions of people engaged in the struggle against America’s shameful apartheid system but King was the most influential. His actions are remembered, his words are quoted by activists, politicians, and[…]

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The (Largely Unrecognized) US Occupation of Syria

The United States has invaded Syria with a significant military force, is occupying nearly one-third of its territory, has announced plans for an indefinite occupation, and is plundering the country’s petroleum resources. Washington has no authorization under international or even US law to invade and occupy Syria, much less attack Syrian forces, which it has done repeatedly. Nor has it[…]

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Big Guns Destroy U.S. Schools

by Sara Flounders, originally published on Workers World. Bigger guns are destroying children’s lives in U.S. schools than the AR-15 used in the heinous Florida school murders. Schools across the country are facing untenable choices of what programs to slash and how many teachers to cut, with an impact that puts millions of young lives and futures at risk. These[…]

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