Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Statement at UN Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security

This statement was made by Ms. Charo Mina-Rojas on behalf of the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security at the United Nations Security Council Open Debate on “Women and peace and security.” It was originally delivered in Spanish. Mr. President, Excellencies, my Civil Society colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning. I bring to you the traditional greetings of life,[…]

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Racism, Propaganda And Wars

Co-Written By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese Originally published on Popular Resistance This week, the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, which promoted giving Palestine to the Jewish people, will be celebrated in London. Around the world, there will be protests against it calling for Britain to apologize for the damage it inflicted. Students from the West Bank and Gaza will send letters[…]

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NY Daily News, Ammar Al Baluchi, 9/11 Trial at Guantanamo

The Remarkable Al-Baluchi Conferences

Steve Downs is former Executive Director of  the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms On September 13 and 14, 2017, Kathy Manley and I attended a remarkable conference on Washington organized by the Military Legal Defense team for prisoners at Guantanamo, and various civil rights organizations including our organization National Coalition To Protect Civil Freedoms (NCPCF); George Washington Law School;[…]

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Socialism or Amazonism

Originally posted on Black Agenda Report. Two unfolding developments show the stark choices faces humanity. In China, president Xi Jinping laid out the Communist Party’s 30-year grand plan to become “a moderately prosperous country” by 2020 and “a modern prosperous society” by 2049. The roadmap was both detailed and realistic, based on the world’s most populous nation’s steady — but[…]

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Myanmar’s colonial history feeds current crisis of Rohingyas, Saudi Arabia and U.S.

Originally Posted on The International Action Center Website. The current corporate media attention to the abuses suffered by the mostly Muslim Rohingya people who have crossed from Myanmar into Bangladesh has raised questions as to what is really going on. Background information about the history of Myanmar is essential to an understanding. First called Burma, the name was changed in[…]

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Is Trump a ‘Moron’?

Originally posted on Socialist Action. When U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told a National Security Council meeting last week, from which President Trump had departed, that his boss was a “fucking moron,” it’s likely that Tillerson, who has refused to deny his characterization, was not referring literally to any diminished mental capacity of the president. After all, any billionaire[…]

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AFRICOM is the Question

Originally posted on Black Agenda Report and Freedom Rider Blog The desire to be affirmed by American society has dangerous consequences for black people. This pernicious dynamic creates the inclination to worship any black face in a high place or to defend questionable activity. The death of special forces Sergeant La David Johnson in Niger is a case in point.[…]

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In this Sept. 18, 2013 photo, Muslim children learn the Quran by rote at Rohingya Village Madrassa in The’ Chaung Village on the outskirts of Sittwe in Rakhine state, Myanmar. A year after Buddhist mobs forced almost all members of the minority Rohingya Muslim community from Sittwe, creating a state-sanctioned sectarian divide, thousands of children while away their long, empty days in dusty displacement camps. (AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe)

Why U.S. and Saudi Arabia back Rohingya in Myanmar

By Sara Flounders posted on October 10, 2017 on Workers World Demonstrations, protests and online petitions have appeared worldwide to defend the struggle of the Rohingya people who have been driven from Myanmar into exile. What is of concern is that political forces with no history of or interest in defending the rights of these oppressed people, including the U.S. and Saudi regimes,[…]

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