Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Haiti Seethes with Anger!

Photo from, Haitian youth demonstrate against the people in power. ~from TellerReport News by Marty Goodman, from Socialist Action, November 11, 2018 Beginning Nov. 18 and for some six days, rebellion gripped Haiti. The Haitian masses jammed the streets, shutting down schools, transportation and businesses, some lighting bonfires of rubber tires at street corners or torching symbols of authority[…]

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NATO’s Aggression Reaches For Russian Waters

Above Photo: from Land Destroyer by Tony Cartalucci, from Land Destroyer Blog, December 11, 2018 The intentional provocation executed by Kiev saw three Ukrainian naval vessels seized by Russia. The vessels were intentionally violating protocol for passing through the Strait – protocol previously agreed upon by Kiev and previously observed by Ukrainian naval vessels. The extent to which Ukraine was[…]

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Yellow Vests Show the Way

“Yellow vests” mass protests against the rise in fuel prices in the French capital of Paris ~Sputnik by Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, December 12, 2018 The yellow vests ought to be inspirations for the 99% on this side of the Atlantic ocean. “They will not accept neoliberal plunder without a fight.” French law requires drivers to keep gilets jaunes,[…]

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Democratic Republic of Congo Elections Increase Imperialist Interference

Members of the Congolese community in Toronto protest 2011 election results in Congo-Kinshasa, in which President Joseph Kabila was named the winner. Toronto, Ontario, Canada ~Wikimedia, CreativeCommons By Carlos Lopes Pereira posted to Workers World, December 13, 2018 The Legacy of Joseph Kabila The U.S. and the European Union see Africa through the prism of colonialism. Statements by EU Commissioner[…]

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John Bolton And U.S. Policy Towards Latin America

Photo: Bolsonaro (left) and Bolton meet in Brazil, ~ US Embassy in Brazil By Jesús Arboleya,, December 11, 2018 HAVANA – John Bolton, national security adviser to President Donald Trump, made a brief stop on his way to the G-20 Summit in Argentina to meet with the elected president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro, accompanied by a retinue of generals, received[…]

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Haitians Protest Theft of Oil Aid From Venezuela

Photo: On Sep. 2, hundreds marched through Port-au-Prince to ask where money from the PetroCaribe Fund had gone. ~Milo Milfort/Haïti Liberté Protests over PetroCaribe Continue as Haitian President Seeks Imperialist Support By John Marion , from World Socialist Website,  21 November 2018 For the second time in a month, thousands of Haitians took to the streets on Sunday to demand[…]

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The Movement to Suppress and Impoverish Critics of Israel is Racist

Photo: Melbourne Protest, Zionist Criminals End the Holocaust in Palestine, John Englart, January 4, 2009 by Paul Larudee, from Dissident Voice,December 11, 2018 Marc Lamont Hill, Tim Anderson, Steven Salaita, Rabab Abdulhadi, Hatem Bazian, Ahlam Muhtasib, Norman Finkelstein and other academics have all been targets of the movement to silence their criticisms of Israel and their defense of Palestinians. This[…]

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Bernie Sanders Puts Forward a Program That Could Split the Democratic Party

by Glen Ford, from Black Agenda Report, November 28, 2018 Bernie Sanders has opened his 2020 campaign with a 10-point program that could bust the Democratic Party wide open – which would be best thing Bernie could do for the world. “Every step closer Sanders gets to the nomination brings the Democratic Party nearer to the split that is necessary.” Bernie[…]

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