Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The CIA “Hybrid War” Against Venezuela

By Achille Lollo posted on Workers World, April 7, 2019 (Translated by John Catalinotto) Note: About Venezuela as an example of Hybrid Warfare. “Operation Constitution” [planned by the U.S. and the Venezuelan right wing] ended with [self-proclaimed presidential pretender] Juan Guaidó’s miserable and silent return to Caracas and the capture of the four commanders of the ragtag “Venezuelan Liberation Army”[…]

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Troy Labor Council Resolution In Support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks

Troy Labor Council voted on May 17 in favor of the following resolution to support Julian Assange and WikiLeaks: Whereas, Assange and Wikileaks have released a vast trove of primary source material unlike anything that journalists have ever had such ready access to, Whereas, Wikileaks releases have made evidence-based journalism more possible than ever before, Whereas, Julian Assange and WIkileaks[…]

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Activists Under Attack at the Venezuelan Embassy

Photos from videos by Alex Rubenstein: opposition supporters partying outside the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington DC in the middle of the night with music and drumming, noisemakers and sirens, and spotlights flashing. Editor’s note: The hoped for Venezuelan coup fell flat.   The military refused to leave the Maduro government.   The people of Venezuela are not ready for a civil war.  […]

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Breaking News: Military Coup Underway in Venezuela

Photo: Self-proclaimed “Interim President” Juan Guaido speaking to press during an attempted coup on April 30. (Reuters) This is the report from Venezuelanalysis at about 12:20 PM on Tuesday, April 30.   You can find updates at the link posted for Venezuelanalysis.   I will try to post Updates through the day, but they are my source. A military uprising is[…]

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