Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

It’s About Time for the U.S. to Exit Syria and Afghanistan

Statement on U.S. exit from Syrian War by Black Alliance for Peace A real panic exists among the militarists and flunkeys of the military-industrial complex: They are concerned the U.S. president has gone completely off the ruling-class imperialist script. We find that hard to believe, since a move away from militarism and violence would indicate a fundamental departure from the[…]

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Veterans For Peace Statement on Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Syria

VfP December 22 –  Veterans For Peace is pleased to hear that President Trump has ordered a total withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, where they had no legal right to be in the first place. Whatever the reasoning, withdrawing U.S. troops is the right thing to do. It is incorrect to characterize the U.S. military intervention in Syria as[…]

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The Great Saudi Muddle

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump join King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, and the President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, Sunday, May 21, 2017, to participate in the inaugural opening of the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead) By Daniel Lazare, Special to Consortium News,  December[…]

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Why the U.S. Threatens China — as a New Superpower

by Sarah Flounders, published on International Action Center,  November 29, 2018 China’s growth into the world’s second-largest economy is being evaluated by all the corporate media, reflecting debates in U.S. ruling circles and the U.S. top military command. They are forced to admit that most of their hopes and dreams that the Chinese government could be easily overwhelmed, and that[…]

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Israel: Ethnic Cleansing, Land Theft, Apartheid And Jim Crow

Image Above: Boycott Racist Israel, protest in South Africa by the Iraq News Service. by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, December 16, 2018 In recent weeks, racism against Palestinian people and the expansion of apartheid-Jim Crow policies have escalated. The Israeli lobby and its supporters attacked freedom of speech in the United States, showing how far[…]

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Haiti Seethes with Anger!

Photo from, Haitian youth demonstrate against the people in power. ~from TellerReport News by Marty Goodman, from Socialist Action, November 11, 2018 Beginning Nov. 18 and for some six days, rebellion gripped Haiti. The Haitian masses jammed the streets, shutting down schools, transportation and businesses, some lighting bonfires of rubber tires at street corners or torching symbols of authority[…]

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NATO’s Aggression Reaches For Russian Waters

Above Photo: from Land Destroyer by Tony Cartalucci, from Land Destroyer Blog, December 11, 2018 The intentional provocation executed by Kiev saw three Ukrainian naval vessels seized by Russia. The vessels were intentionally violating protocol for passing through the Strait – protocol previously agreed upon by Kiev and previously observed by Ukrainian naval vessels. The extent to which Ukraine was[…]

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