Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Stephen Cohen Has Died: Remember His Urgent Warnings Against The New Cold War

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on, September 19, 2020 Stephen F Cohen, the renowned American scholar on Russia and leading authority on US-Russian relations, has died of lung cancer at the age of 81. As one of the precious few western voices of sanity on the subject of Russia while everyone else has been frantically flushing their brains down the toilet, this is a[…]

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The Power of United Front Mass Action vs. Anarchist Pretensions

Socialist Action’s 2020 Draft Political Resolution, published on Socialist Action website, September 24, 2020 So massive and widespread were the anti-racist Black Lives Matter mobilizations that few dared to characterize them as the violent deeds of small groups of looters, anarchists or other marginal elements. To the police and Trump charges of violent antifa [anti-fascist] outside agitators and window breaking[…]

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US Dictatorship of (White) Capital and Its Tools of Bamboozlement

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, September 24, 2020 The New York Times and fellow corporate media discourage Americans from organizing against the rule of the rich by pretending that People Power is a fantasy. “The ruling class is very much aware that the only force capable of countering the power of Capital is the Power of the People in[…]

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Why I am a Comunist: In Memory of André Vltchek

A few days ago, André Vltchek, activist, filmmaker, writer, constant traveler and critic of western imperialism, died in his sleep in a rented car traveling in Turkey.  He will be missed.  Often his words and ideas can seem a little to radical even for activists in the political ‘west’.   Even so, his passionate anti-imperialism is  especially important for us.[…]

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Protests for Daniel Prude in second week in Rochester, N.Y.

by R.J. Red, published on Workers World, September 15, 2020 Sept. 13 – Nearly six months ago, Daniel Prude was murdered by police officers in Rochester, N.Y., while experiencing a mental health crisis. Initially, the details of the case were swept under the rug by Rochester Police Chief La’Ron Singletary and Mayor Lovely Warren. However, on Sept. 2, body camera[…]

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Fourteen Martyrs in the Fight Against Racist Terror and Trumpism Facsism

by Paul Street, published on Black Agenda Report, September 16, 2020 Their names are not as familiar as George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, but these victims have paid the ultimate price, dying in the line of anti-racist and anti-fascist citizenship duty. “Trump ordered the Department of Homeland Security to suppress reports of right-wing terrorism and play up supposed case cases[…]

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ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Assange Hearing—Day 8

This is a rather long, but very descriptive account of one day in the ongoing extradition trial of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange.   It  is important to keep some awareness of this critically important test of our first amendment rights and international law (the Extradition Treaty between the US and the UK does not allow extradition for political reasons) as well[…]

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Science and Stake Behind the COVID Vaccine Development

by Lee Siu Hin, published on, September 8, 2020 The global race to develop COVID-19 vaccine, there are the good, the bad and the ugly. On August 11th, 2020 Russia announced they had registered the world first COVID-19 vaccine, call “Sputink V”, while not yet enter the critical Phase III trail (any drugs need to pass 3-stages Phase I,[…]

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While the Stock Market is Booming, Jobs Report Hides Hunger

By G. Dunkel posted on Workers World, September 11, 2020 Getting enough food was hard for people working low-wage jobs before the pandemic. Now it’s harder, given the huge increase in unemployment — 29 million jobless workers now live off meager unemployment insurance. Millions without work are getting nothing, and more than 50 million people are “food insecure,” meaning they[…]

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