Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Summit of the Americas Flops While Workers Summit Exposes Cracks in the Imperial Façade

by Roger Harris, published on Popular Resistance, June 16, 2022 Valentín, the man next to us in line as we made our way across the international border, asked what we had been doing in Tijuana. We had been at the Workers Summit of the Americas, organized as an alternative to Biden’s Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. Our summit was[…]

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Interview with Afghan Human Rights Activist

by Black Alliance for Peace, published June 30, 2022 The views expressed below do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Black Alliance for Peace (or UNAC). Black Alliance for Peace: Based on your experiences, how would you describe the current situation on the ground in Afghanistan? For instance, how does the refusal by the United States and European allies[…]

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Turkey Retracts Veto on Sweden, Finland Joining NATO

by Ulaş Ateşçi, published on World Socialist Website,  June 30, 2022 On the eve of the NATO summit focusing on war against Russia in Ukraine as well as confronting China, top officials from Turkey, Sweden and Finland agreed on Tuesday in Madrid to a trilateral memorandum of understanding allowing Stockholm’s and Helsinki’s entry into the military alliance. After a meeting[…]

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War Within the War: The Fight Over Land and Genetically Engineered Agriculture

by Michael Cohen, published on Covert Action Magazine, May 31, 2022 This is an important article showing the depth of the conflict and what is really at stake for the future.  Russia rejects GMO agriculture!   While they are blaming Russia, the worlds largest producer of grain, for causing a ‘famine’ we see that Russia holds the key to avoiding future[…]

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Protests at the NATO Summit

by Joe Lombardo, June 28, 2022 During the weekend before the NATO meeting in Madrid, Spain, on June 28 – 30, thousands rallied in the streets and meeting halls of the city in opposition to the NATO summit.  Protesters include people from the United States including Joe Lombardo, coordinator of UNAC and other UNAC members along with Ann Wright, Paki[…]

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The Latest Phase of their Long-Term Strategy to Divide and Control the Left

by Stansfield Smith, published on the Orinoco Tribune, June 24, 2022 The US rulers use many tools to disrupt and disorganize the anti-war and anti-imperialist left. Three discussed here include: one, corporate control of the news media gives them free reign to spread disinformation and fake news against foreign and domestic targets. Two, they use government and corporate foundation resources[…]

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Capitalism’s World Economic, Political and Social Crises and the Road to Fight Back

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, June 21, 2022 Today, world capitalism’s neo-liberal globalization is best characterized as a new form of organization where global value chains have become the dominant form of production, employing workers for one out of every five jobs on the planet. From low to high tech commodities, basic consumer goods to heavy capital equipment,[…]

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