Report on Mass Opposition to Netanyahu’s Visit With U.S. Politicians

by Neal Resnikoff, Chicago Antiwar Coalition (CWAC), July 25, 2024

It was inspiring to see the turnout of tens of thousands and excellent rally and march in Washington, D.C. yesterday against the invitation by the U.S. Congress to have Crime Minister of Israel Netanyahu speak.

A goodly number of trade unionists wearing their union t-shirts and carrying logos participated. Many students participated. As well, many Palestinians. And older people too.

People also rallied outside the hotel Netanyahu was in, making plenty of noise at and with the tall anti-riot fences meant to keep them at bay.

During the day Netanyahu was burned in effigy.  (Someone saw on the news that  the protesters destroyed a statue -Ed). People stood strong against masses of police mobilized against them, including 200 brought in from New York City. The Palestinian flag was held high, with plenty of slogans of Free, Free Palestine.

People in Chicago also turned out in good numbers for a rally and march against the U.S. government backed Israeli genocide in the form of the invitation to Netanyahu to speak to Congress. He is speaking to Genocide Joe and Killer Kamala today, and to Finish-Off-Palestinian-Resistance Trump tomorrow.

Energy and lively participation in slogans and in the rallies and marches was high.

I wanted to post a video of the excellent speeches at the rally in Washington that was live-streamed on youtube yesterday, but the hour or so rally is not available on youtube today, and I cannot find the rally anywhere else.

To continue the action needed against the war on the Palestinians in Chicago, please join leafleting and discussion with passersby on Saturday noon in Albany Park with Chicago Antiwar Coalition (CAWC).

*Featured Image: Protesters with Netanyahu effigy in Washington DC, July 24, 2024, src: Resumen 

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