Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Venezuela’s CITGO in Danger as Maduro Seeks Debt Renegotiation

From, October 2, 2019 Edited and with additional reporting by Lucas Koerner from Philadelphia. Caracas – A US court has ruled that Canadian mining giant Crystallex can move forward in seizing assets from Venezuelan oil subsidiary CITGO. The World Bank’s international arbitration tribunal awarded Crystallex US $1.4 billion in compensation for the 2008 nationalization of Las Cristinas gold mine[…]

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Sanctions Kill: Economic Warfare and the Migration Crisis (Video)

by Sara Flounders published on the Peace Report Station on Youtube, July 25, 2019 Sara gives an excellent lecture on the recent history, the political and economic components of international sanction  and the context of modern siege warfare. Sara Flounders is an American political writer who has been active in ‘progressive’ and anti-war organizing since the 1960s.  Sara is Co-Director[…]

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U.S. Takes Aim at Iran, Threatens Military Action

by Nick Baker, published on Socialist Action, July 9, 2019 As U.S. imperialism ceaselessly spreads its tentacles around the globe, its latest victim, yet again, is Iran, the strategically located oil-rich Middle Eastern nation that has resisted U.S. and British colonial domination for over a century. Since its 1979 Revolution that ousted the murderous dictatorship of Shah (meaning “King”) Reza[…]

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Venezuela Fights Back! The Bolivarian Revolution Continues!

Photo: A Venezuelan supporter of President Nicolas Maduro gold a sign that reads: “Going forward with Maduro.”  ~TeleSUR Gallery, January 2019 by Alison Bodine, Fire This Time, January, 2019 A summary of the words most commonly appearing in mainstream news headlines about Venezuela in 2018 would include “humanitarian crisis,” “chaos,” “dictatorship,” and “failed state,” among other alarming buzzwords. Far reflecting[…]

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NICA-Act-2: US NICA Act Aims to Cut Nicaragua Access to Capital While Nicaragua Targets US Funding Pipeline to the Opposition

by Chuck Kaufman, from NicaNotes, December 19, 2018 The Nicaraguan government removed the legal standing last week of nine non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that supported the attempted coup that disrupted much of the country for three months last spring and summer. It should also be remembered that Violeta Chamorro removed the legal standing of nine NGOs when she was president from[…]

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Imperial U.S. Hardens Sanctions Against the Revolutionary Government of Venezuela

by Alison Bodine, Published on Fire This Time, September, 2018 On August 6, 2018, thousands of people in Venezuela just marched in the streets of the capital city Caracas in support of President Nicolas Maduro and the Bolivarian revolutionary government of Venezuela. They marched despite the violence and terror that had been inflicted on their country with the August 4[…]

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Venezuela’s Monetary Revolution Vis-a-Vis Economic Sanctions

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro holds a bank note of the new national currency, the ‘Bolivar Soberano‘ (Sovereign Bolivar). | Photo: Reuters by Nino Pagliccia, published on TeleSUR, August 8, 2018 Venezuela has undergone many challenges in the last 20 years since Hugo Chavez was elected president and continued after his death in 2013. The main reason is that Venezuela has[…]

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Thousands of Iranians Take to Streets, Enraged By ‘Insane’ Breach of Nuclear Deal

Photo: Iranians rally in the holy city of Mashhad on May 11, 2018 to condemn the United States for its withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. (Photo: Tasnim News Agency) by Julia Conley, originally published on Common Dreams, May 11 Cities across Iran saw thousands of demonstrators pouring into the streets to expose fury over President Donald Trump’s[…]

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