Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. Twin Billionaire Parties win 2022 Elections: How the System Really Works

by Jeff Mackler,  November 16, 2022 The 2022 U.S. midterm elections witnessed the twin parties of the ruling rich spending an unprecedented but nevertheless relatively paltry sum of $18 billion to determine which wing of capital will steal the lion’s share of the nation’s wealth created by working people. I say paltry because the stakes to the super rich in[…]

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The Words and Deeds of Social Imperialists

by Glen Ford, Published on Black Agenda Report, February 28, 2019 The US left makes celebrities of self-styled “socialists” that have no solidarity with real strugglers against imperialism in the world. “Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez make weak noises against military action while accepting the rationale of the aggression.” The best evidence of the profound weakness of the “left” in the United[…]

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Doug Jones vs. Roy Moore: Lesser Evilism Wins in Alabama

By Jeff Mackler, originally published on Socialist Action “Our opponent,” said Kayla Moore, wife of the now defeated Republican Party U.S. Senate candidate in Alabama, “who is an ultra-liberal, who was an Obama delegate, who is for full-term abortions, who is for more gun restrictions, who is for transgender bathrooms, who is for transgender [people] in the military—is against everything[…]

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