Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Confrontation of NATO vs. SCO – Two Radically Different Summits

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, July 27, 2024 Two major security alliances held summits in July. Each summit consisted of a bloc of major powers and nearby countries. Both alliances hold military exercises. Each summit meeting included guest and observer countries. The two summits could not have been more different in tone and in purpose. The Shanghai Cooperation[…]

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U.S. – NATO Threats Ignore ‘Red Lines’ in Ukraine

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, June 7, 2024 Front lines are collapsing for the Ukrainian army, whole units surrendering. Top commanders are fired. Faced with complete disarray of the U.S.-NATO instigated war in Ukraine, U.S. militarists are doubling down. According to the Ukrainian constitution, President Volodymir Zelensky’s term in office is over. But he remains in power by[…]

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Ukraine Will be the First Battle Won in the Emerging World

Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein,  published on Workers World, November 17, 2023 Interesting analysis by Venezuelan international relations expert.  Editor In Palestine, a live and direct genocide has been taking place for over a month now, sponsored and armed by the United States. Meanwhile Ukraine, Washington’s other putative child, is languishing in oblivion. So far in November, we witnessed the release of[…]

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No to US Cluster Bombs to Ukraine? US Out Now!

Cluster Bombs and A Brief History of the US-instigated Ukraine War By Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, July 18, 2023 In yet another escalation of the US-instigated Ukraine War, the Biden administration’s decision to send internationally banned cluster bombs to Ukraine reminds us once again that U.S. imperialism accepts zero limits on its heinous and genocidal policies. Ukraine is[…]

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Biden’s Nord Stream Pipeline Obliteration

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, June 14, 2023 “U.S. had intelligence of detailed Ukrainian plan to attack Nord Stream pipeline” was the Washington Post’s June 6, 2023 headline. A blatant lie if there ever was one – a corporate media-manufactured lie, in concert with the US government, aimed at covering up US imperialism’s multi billion and trillion dollar[…]

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De-Escalation Can Start with Ending All Nuclear Weapons ‘Sharing’

by John LaForge, published on, June 14, 2023 Ukraine, the United States, and NATO have condemned what they correctly called Russian President Putin’s “dangerous and irresponsible” plan to soon deploy nuclear weapons to neighboring Belarus. On June 9, Mr. Putin announced that Moscow would deploy its nuclear weapons next month, reporting that work on new facilities for housing the[…]

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Putin, South Africa and the International Criminal Court

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, May 31, 2023 The West has deployed the International Criminal Court in the US/NATO proxy war with Russia in Ukraine.   On March 17, the International Criminal Court (ICC) indicted and issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova. They are the first and[…]

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“A Timely Call for Peace in Ukraine by U.S. National Security Experts”

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, May 16, 2023 Most of those who signed have been in the antiwar camp since the beginning of the Iraq war, but not the anti-imperialism camp.  It is easy to end the Ukraine war; it is merely necessary to stop providing weapons to Ukraine.  The Russians won’t massacre an unarmed force.  They[…]

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The ICC Is A US-Controlled Kangaroo Court

by Jaqueline Luqman, published on HoodCommunist, March 23, 2023 The Washington Post, or the Pentagon Post, as Eugene Puryear aptly named the paper this Saturday, printed a bizarre “key update” on the official visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. The update reads: “Chinese President Xi Jinping claims to have come to Moscow as[…]

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Biden’s War Drive Fuels Resistance

by John Catalinotto, published on Workers World, February 28, 2023 Join us in DC, March 18! In the week of the first anniversary of the U.S./NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, the Biden administration has taken or announced steps to prolong that war and risk its escalation. The corporate media has parroted and amplified every government announcement. And the[…]

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