Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. war on the defenseless / Sanctions harm one-third of world’s people

by Sara Flounders, published on International Action Center, December 3, 2019 The most insidious and pervasive form of modern warfare by Wall Street and the Pentagon, acting in coordination, is passing largely unnoticed and unchallenged. This calculated attack is rolling back decades of progress in health care, sanitation, housing, essential infrastructure and industrial development all around the world. Almost every[…]

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URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Support the UN Resolution Against Unilateral Coercive Measures

Posted by People’s Mob Dear Friends of Peace and Justice, As you are well aware, for decades the U.S. government and its European allies have been illegally using unilateral economic sanctions (“Unilateral Coercive Measures”) as a weapon of war and mass destruction to topple governments that do not submit to the U.S. and European states’ domination of their country. The[…]

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Venezuela Oil Production Continues Decline as China Cancels More Shipments

Caracas, September 12, 2019 ( Venezuela’s oil output has continued its downward trend according to figures from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The latest report from the oil cartel detailed that, based on secondary sources, the Caribbean nation produced 712,000 barrels per day (bpd) in August, down from 755,000 in July. The numbers reported directly by state[…]

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The World Is Uniting For International Law, Against US Empire

by Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, published on Popular Resistance, August 11,  2019 “We oppose the extraterritorial application of unilateral measures.“ That is not Cuba, Nicaragua, Iran, Russia, or China talking about the most recent unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States against Venezuela, i.e. economic sanctions that have become an economic blockade, but the European Union. Even allies[…]

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Briefing: The Effects of the Economic Blockade of Venezuela

from the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, The blockade in context The U.S. has been pursuing a strategy of ‘regime change’ through destabilising Venezuela dating back to the early years of Hugo Chávez’s presidency. This led George W. Bush’s administration to support the failed coup d’état against Chávez in 2002 and also the right-wing management lock-out in the oil industry. The lock-out,[…]

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Washington Threatens New Attack on Syria Amid US War Buildup in Persian Gulf

Photo: From a video from one of the original propaganda reports by militants in the region. ~Al Bab By Bill Van Auken, published on World Socialist Website, 22 May 2019 Just days after President Donald Trump threatened to put an “official end” to Iran, Washington has threatened renewed military aggression against Syria based on unsubstantiated charges of the use of[…]

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Gangster Politics: U.S. War Threats Intensify on Iran

Image from US Embassy Correspondence, Tiblisi, Georgia by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World and IAC blogs, May 21, 2019 May 20 — Another U.S. initiated crisis reached an ominous level this past week with President Trump’s announcement that Iran suddenly presented a new, unspecified threat, serious enough to send a U.S. Naval aircraft carrier battle group churning toward the[…]

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Venezuela – A Risk to Dollar Hegemony – Key Purpose Behind “Regime Change”

by Peter Koenig, Published on Countercurrents, May 9, 2019 After the new coup attempt – or propaganda coup – Venezuela lives in a state of foreign imposed insecurity. The failed coup was executed on 30 April by Juan Guaidó, the self-proclaimed and Washington-trained and endorsed “interim President”, and the opposition leader, Leopoldo López, who was hurriedly freed from house arrest[…]

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In Venezuela 23F ended up ‘one more collapsed coup’

Photo: US Solidarity Delegation to Venezuela From Workers World, 3/25/2019 The following are excerpts from an interview by Mario Hernández with Argentine economist and political analyst Claudio Katz published by on March 20. ( Translated by Michael Otto. Mario Hernández: You wrote an article in La Haine, “Venezuela defines the future of the entire region.” Why? Claudio Katz: Because[…]

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