Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. Corporate Media Watch: An Interview With Richard Medhurst

by Richard Medhurst and Roberto Sirvent, published on Black Agenda Report, May 4 2022 Richard and Roberto would like to dedicate this feature to Glen Ford, one of the fiercest critics of U.S. corporate media the country has ever known. May we all find creative and courageous ways to honor his memory by speaking out against Wall Street, white supremacy,[…]

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Why Nonalignment Is an Urgent Imperative for the Global South

by Nontobeko Hlela, distributed by Globetrotter, May 2, 2022 South Africa and other countries that have abstained from voting against Russia at the United Nations General Assembly in response to the war in Ukraine face intense international criticism. In South Africa, the domestic criticism has been extraordinarily shrill, and often clearly racialized. It is frequently assumed that abstention means that[…]

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The OAS or the “Ministry of Colonies”

by Jemima Pierre, published on Black Agenda Report, April 27, 2022 In the wake of the expulsion of the Organization of the American States from Nicaragua, we need to revisit one of its major crime scenes: Haiti. On April 24, 2022, Nicaragua’s Sandinista government officially booted the Organization of American States (OAS) out of their country. Foreign minister Denis Moncada[…]

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The War in Ukraine and its Effects on Latin America and the Caribbean

by Carlos Mauricio Ferolla and Marcelo Depieri , published on Resumen,  March 23, 2022 On February 24, war broke out in Ukraine after the invasion of the Russian army. The war has a global impact on a multipolar international system, hyperconnected and in a critical state, undergoing a process of hegemonic transition from the West to the East. The military[…]

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Many Africans Reject Washington’s Position on Ukraine Crisis

by Abyome Azikiwe, published on Black Agenda Report, March 15, 2022 Many African nations refrain from condemning Russia’s role in the Ukraine crisis. They are taking a more independent stance because of their histories of imperialist control and ties with the USSR and the Russian Federation. Half of the Countries Abstaining from the United Nations General Assembly Resolution Condemning Moscow Were African Union Member[…]

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‘Death Sentence for Untold Numbers of Civilians’: Biden to Permanently Seize Afghan Assets

by John Queally, published on CommonDreams, February 11, 2022 Humanitarians—including those who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks of 2001—responded with condemnation Friday after it was reported that President Joe Biden has decided to permanently seize $7 billion of currently frozen Afghan assets even as the people of the war-torn and poverty-stricken nation suffer a broken economy, a collapsed[…]

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As the Military War Ends, Afghan People Face Starvation Under U.S. Sanctions

by Vijay Prashad, from Globetrotter, February 11, 2022 On February 8, 2022, UNICEF (the United Nations Children’s Fund) Afghanistan sent out a bleak set of tweets. One of the tweets, which included a photograph of a child lying in a hospital bed with her mother seated beside her, said: “Having recently recovered from acute watery diarrhea, two years old Soria[…]

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Nicaragua in the Multipolar World

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, January 12, 2022 The U.S. regime change effort in Nicaragua has failed. The people are determined to assert their rights of self-determination and the U.S. is not the only player on the world stage. The United States and the European Union announced new sanctions on the day that Daniel Ortega was inaugurated[…]

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Alex Saab’s Diplomatic Immunity Ruling Freezes his Court Case In Florida

The Orinoco Tribune, December 7, 2021 The trial against the Venezuelan diplomat, Alex Saab, in the Court of the US Southern District of Florida, was suspended due to the ongoing appeal for his diplomatic status. The appeal was filed in April of 2021, reported FuserNews. The current complaint in regards to the recognition of his diplomatic status, which would confer[…]

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