Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

No to NATO

by Cassia Laham, published on Fightback News, March 1, 2022 Miami, FL – Events are unfolding quickly surrounding Ukraine. It is therefore imperative that the anti-war movement in the United States mobilize for peace and against any further possible escalation by the United States. This means demanding: no war with Russia, no to NATO expansion, and no to sanctions. It is[…]

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Defiance Against US Dollar War and Caesar Act Sanctions

by Hassan Nasrallah, published on Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies, June 16, 2020 Extract from the translation of a speech on June 16, 2020.   He is talking about the effects of the increasing US economic war on Lebanon (and also Syria).  This is interesting as it is an international reflection of the struggles of domestic resistance to the US racist[…]

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Interview With Tom Burke of FRSO on Trump’s War Moves Against Venezuela

by  FRSO Staff, published by FRSO, April 13, 2020 Fight Back! interviewed Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) Organizational Secretary Tom Burke, who led the FRSO labor delegation to Venezuela on March 8. Francisco Torrealba, president of the Venezuelan Transport Workers Federation, elected Venezuelan National Assembly member, and important leader of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) invited Burke and[…]

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Why We Persist: Activists Have Protested US Drone Base for Over a Decade

by Ed Kinane, published on, December 22, 2019 “All human beings possess the basic right under international law to engage in non-violent civil resistance activities for the purpose of preventing, impeding, or terminating the ongoing commission of [international crime].” — International law expert Francis Boyle Nonviolent civil resistance against international crime is about effectiveness and persistence. Or as Dorothy[…]

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US Coup Suffers Defeat In Venezuela, Protests Grow Against US Intervention

By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, published on Popular Resistance, February 24, 2019 February 23 may end up being a decisive day in the attempted US-led coup of Venezuela. US puppet, fake president, Juan Guaido, promised so-called humanitarian aid would break through the borders of Venezuela and be brought in. Guaido failed to deliver on that promise because he is[…]

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Anti ICE Protests Across the Country

Header Image: San Francisco anti-ICE protesters surround ICE office in March Protests hit Northeastern contract with ICE By Belladonna Ashman posted on Workers World, August 9, 2018 Boston — As night fell on July 31, protesters from Movimiento Cosecha, who had gathered outside the house of Northeastern University’s president, announced that they would be occupying the area until Northeastern canceled[…]

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South African Activists Say No to Obama ‘Whitewashing’ Mandela

from TeleSUR Professor Oumar Ba said Obama is remembered for the “militarization of U.S. foreign policy on the African continent. Members of South Africa’s Cage Advocacy group and other South African activists are rallying to rescind an invitation extended to former U.S. President Barack Obama to speak at the Nelson Mandela Foundation’s 16th annual lecture, which will take place in Johannesburg on July[…]

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