Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Intersectionality is a Hole (Part 1)

Time to begin critically unpacking intersectionality and its nappy headed stepchild afro-pessimism Intersectionality is a Hole. Afro-Pessimism is a Shovel. We need to Stop Digging. (Part 1) By Bruce Dixon, originally published on Black Agenda Report,  Jan 25, 2018 The US left has a fundamental problem, perhaps the root of most of its other problems. That fundamental problem is that[…]

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The Invisibility of Poverty in Puerto Rico

by Oscar Oliver-Didier, originally published on CounterPunch It has been more than two months since Hurricane María, a catastrophic category four hurricane, took a heavy toll on Puerto Rico’s infrastructure and dismally affected its local residents. People in the mainland saw pictures and videos of entire communities being physically disconnected due to bridges collapsing and roads being covered with debris.[…]

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Standing Up to the National Anthem

by James Ricks This Nation’s anthem was composed by Francis Scott Key, a racist, white supremacist, anti-abolitionist lawyer. He felt that black people, free or slave, were genetically inferior to white people. That perception was the foundation of his legal pursuits. When he was the District Attorney for the City of Washington, he defended slavery and prosecuted those in the abolitionist[…]

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The Contradictions of White Supremacy

Originally Published on Black Agenda Report “Very few white Americans stray far from this country’s racist origins.” American media have a collective crush on avowed racists. The New York Times is only the most recent perpetrator with their now maligned profile of an Ohio Nazi . The kid glove approach was too obvious and readers rose up in uproar. The[…]

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Commonality of Oppression, Solidarity in Struggle, Liberation for a Better World: Freedom

Khury Petersen-Smith explores the commonalities of the struggle of Black Americans with that of the Palestinian people. This is a wonderful talk on an important subject.   I recorded the event on my iPhone which, unfortunately, was low on minutes.   Not wishing to have the entire 2 hours in a single recording, (and being low on minutes) I rather awkwardly broke[…]

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Students win latest battle against white supremacy at Columbia

Reprinted from Workers’ World website. New York —After a storm of criticism, Columbia University administrators have stopped their investigation of students who shut down the October appearance of a white supremacist there. Columbia has centuries of ties to white supremacy. Executive Vice President for University Life Suzanne Goldberg reportedly emailed students on Oct. 30, saying charges were being dropped against[…]

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Kaepernick and True Protest

Freedom Rider: Kaepernick and True Protest   by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley “What should have been a righteous protest in support of Kaepernick and, by extension, all black people was turned upside down and sapped of any significance.” National Football League quarterback Colin Kaepernick is getting the same treatment all black people do when they dare to[…]

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