Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Arab Community Resists in Chicago Suburb

Protesters welcome Sharon Brannigan (in pink) and her fellow trustees with “Racists Enter Here” banner as they walk in to start monthly township meeting in May. Protesters welcome Sharon Brannigan (in pink) and her fellow trustees with “Racists Enter Here” banner as they walk in to start Fight Back!  interview with Bassem Kawar, national coordinator of the Campaign to TAKE[…]

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The Defeat of U.S. Imperialism is a Strategic Necessity, Not A Single Issue

“Anti-colonial nationalism is the antithesis of US imperial rule, which is predicated to the unmitigated corporate and military plunder of the planet.” by Danny Haiphong, originally published on Black Agenda Report Many in the United States have a hard time seeing beyond single issues or individuals. The ruling class has taken full advantage by relegating the blame for the problems[…]

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Black Support for the Police State

by Margaret Kimberley, originally published on Black Agenda Report, May 18, 2018 “If having black faces in high and not so high places doesn’t save our lives why should we support them at all?” The worst hate group in the United States is not the Ku Klux Klan or any self-proclaimed alt-right group. The most racist, vicious, and deadly menace[…]

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500 Years of Nakbas

by Glen Ford, originally published on Black Agenda Report “The Palestinians face the last bastion of legalized racial rule on the planet.” The great nakba, or “catastrophe,”began in 1492, when Christopher Columbus proclaimed the lands of the “Indies” for Spain. Within half a century of his voyage, 95 percent of the inhabitants of the America’s had been killed by European-borne[…]

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Re-Centering Anti-War and Anti-Imperialism as Working Class Issues on May 1st

by Black Alliance for Peace, originally published on Black Agenda Report “We will never support U.S. imperialism in any of its adventures.” May 1st is recognized as International Workers’ Day throughout the world except in the most bourgeois of bourgeois nations — the United States. Yet, even though the capitalist oligarchy has tried to erase the day from the awareness[…]

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White Lies and Black Disbelief in a Fading Empire

by Glen Ford, originally published on Black Agenda Report “What would prevent Russia from attacking the United States because of all the people that the United States is killing in our communities.” Having already violated every tenet of international law in its proxy jihadist war against Syria, including the seizure of one-third of the country, the United States invoked a[…]

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Gun Violence Debate Needs to Include Police Militarization and Drug Prohibition Violence

by Megan Humphrey, from Black Agenda Report and the Drug Policy Alliance blog On March 14, thousands of students walked out of school to protest gun violence, demanding legislators enact more stringent gun control in the U.S. Later that night in Rio de Janeiro, Marielle Franco, a Brazilian city council member and a vocal critic of Brazil’s militarized law enforcement,[…]

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Any Attack on Syria is International Gangsterism

by  Ajamu Baraka,  National Organizer for Black Alliance for Peace APRIL 10, 2018—The pending military intervention into Syria by the United States represents yet another case of unilateral illegality that continues the systematic assault on international law and morality that has characterized U.S. foreign policies since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, when the United States[…]

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