Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Advisor to late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Speaks in 3 Wisconsin Cities

by Ryan Hamann, published on FightBack News, November 7, 2022 Milwaukee, WI – Dozthor Zurlent, a lifelong political activist and one-time advisor to the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, has been touring the U.S. since mid-October talking about the achievements and the struggles of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela. His trip has also raised the call to free Alex Saab,[…]

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The Plot to Kill Venezuela

by Vijay Prashad, Published on, May 17, 2019 This article was produced by Globetrotter, a project of the Independent Media Institute. Hugo Chávez knew that Venezuela was very vulnerable. Its oil revenues account for 98 percent of its export earnings. Chávez was familiar with the thinking of Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo, Venezuela’s minister of mines and hydrocarbons in the[…]

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“Imperialism Does Not Understand the Resistance of the Venezuelan People”

By Carlos Aznarez, Published on Resumen Latinoamericano, April 15, 2019 We spoke with Pascualina Curcio a few days ago in Mexico, where she was a part of the Venezuelan delegation to the International Seminar of the PT of that country. Each time that the imperial economic attack intensifies against Venezuela, many glances are directed, by way of consultation, towards the[…]

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Civilian-Military Union Blocks Trump-Trudeau Plan for Military Coup in Venezuela

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shakes hands with US President Donald Trump as they meet about the NAFTA trade agreement at the White House Oct. 2017. | Foto: Reuters Editor’s Note:  Arnold August presents a reflection on Canada’s increasing compliance with U.S. warmongering.  But what caught my attention is the way he describes the popular defense forces of Venezuela as[…]

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One Big Happy War Party: US Hands off Venezuela

by Cindy Sheehan, Published on Cindy Sheehan’s Soap Box, March 1, 2019 Nothing has been frying my bacon more lately than when noted “lefties” or so-called progressive politicians who oppose the US and its partners in crime sanctioning other countries, but then turn around and absolutely support the Empire’s reasons for doing so. For example, Democrat Congressional Representatives Ro Khanna[…]

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The Words and Deeds of Social Imperialists

by Glen Ford, Published on Black Agenda Report, February 28, 2019 The US left makes celebrities of self-styled “socialists” that have no solidarity with real strugglers against imperialism in the world. “Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez make weak noises against military action while accepting the rationale of the aggression.” The best evidence of the profound weakness of the “left” in the United[…]

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The War on Venezuela is Built on Lies

2016 protests against removal of Chávez and Bolivar images from National Assembly. (Wikimedia) by John Pilger, Published on Consortium News, February 25, 2019 Travelling with Hugo Chavez, I soon understood the threat of Venezuela.  At a farming co-operative in Lara state, people waited patiently and with good humor in the heat. Jugs of water and melon juice were passed around. A guitar was[…]

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In Venezuela, White Supremacy Is a Key Driver of the Coup

Guaido and Maduro side by side~tweet from Vijay Prashad by Greg Palast, from Resumen, published on Truthout, February 2, 2019 First, we have Juan Guaidó, self-proclaimed (and Trump-proclaimed) president of the nation, with his wife and child, a photo prominently placed in The New York Times. And then, there is the class photo of Guaidó’s party members in the National[…]

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Corporate Titans Target Venezuela

Venezuelans took to the streets in August 2017 in response to Trump’s comment that he would consider the “military option” against Venezuela. (Photo: PSUV) by John Lesnick, from Counterpunch, February 6, 2019 Ruling elites have united behind the Trump administration in its illegal, unjust and brutal attempt to meddle in the internal affairs of Venezuela. Democrats and Republicans alike have[…]

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Exonerating the Empire in Venezuela

by Gregory Shupak, originally published in FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), March 22, 2018 The United States has for years undermined the Venezuelan economy with economic sanctions, but US media coverage of Venezuela’s financial crisis has gone out of its way to obscure this. The intent of the sanctions is clear: to inflict maximum pain on Venezuela so as[…]

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