Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Venezuela: Not Counting Votes, But Smashing Imperialism’s Hybrid War is Essential

By Narciso Isa Conde, published on Workers World, August 14, 2024 ‘Concede to imperialism not an iota’ In the infinite global war that U.S. imperialism, with its Pentagon, its CIA and its NATO, is waging to stop its inevitable decline, the Venezuelan chapter has a singular importance. This is extremely relevant in Our America for the destiny of its struggle[…]

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How Venezuela Is Overcoming the US Blockade

by Roger Harris, published on Counterpunch, June 28, 2024 The future of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, a target of US imperial power since its inception in 1998, may be decided on July 28, the date of their presidential election. Incumbent President Nicolás Maduro and seven other presidential candidates pledged to abide by the choice of the electorate. Edmundo González, promoted by[…]

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New Revelations of Former US Secretary of Defense Confirm Illegality of the Extradition and Arrest of Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab

by Dan Kovalik, published on Global Research, June 10, 2022 In his new memoir, Sacred Oath, former US Defense Secretary, Mark Esper, who served under President Donald Trump at the time of the arrest of Alex Saab in Cape Verde, effectively admits that the White House was quite aware of the fact that Saab was a diplomat at the time[…]

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Government Report Documents US Responsibility for Venezuela’s Humanitarian Dilemma

by Roger D. Harris, published on Resumen English, May 1, 2021 Venezuela was once one of the most prosperous countries in Latin America. The popular classes enjoyed major advances from the Bolivarian Revolution initiated by Hugo Chávez. Today Venezuela is experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis with severe humanitarian consequences. The US government blames the crisis on the mismanagement and corruption[…]

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Venezuela Elections: A Key Victory for Anti Imperialist Movement in Latin America

by Alison Bodine, published in Fire This Time Newspaper, December 2020 The people of Venezuela have dealt another decisive blow against U.S. domination in Latin America. On December 6, 2020, more than 6.2 million Venezuelans voted for a new National Assembly in what was Venezuela’s 25 election in the 21 years since the Bolivarian revolution began. Despite being under massive[…]

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Black Alliance for Peace: Our Demands of Candidate and Elected Officials

by Black Alliance for Peace The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) has determined climate change and the interlocking issues of war, militarism, and the now-normalized and still illegal U.S. interventionism pose the greatest threats to humanity. That is why we have launched a campaign demanding all 2020 candidates for local, state and federal offices in the United States take a position on U.S. interventionism[…]

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Media Silent as Trump Declares Wars

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, July 22, 2020 Donald Trump’s attacks on Venezuela, Syria and Iran are criminal, but Joe Biden vows to be even worse. “There is no congressional opposition to Trump’s acts of aggression which are literally killing people around the world.” The corporate media in this country can endlessly repeat lies about Russia paying[…]

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Federal Charges Against Four Venezuelan Embassy Protectors Dropped

by Embassy Protectors, published on Popular Resistance, June 3, 2020 Work to Oppose US Imperialism and Build International Solidarity Continues Washington, DC – The federal charge of “interfering with certain protective functions” levied against four members of the Embassy Protection Collective was formally dropped today in a hearing before Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell in US District Court. The four[…]

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