Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Uncle Sam Wants You to Kill and Die for the Empire

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, June 19, 2024 The Biden administration and congress work together in their efforts to secure what they think is U.S. domination. They are playing a dangerous game and now try to bring back a draft through sleight of hand.  The United States ended conscription, the military draft, in 1973. The all volunteer[…]

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Musings from the Margins #4: Black Lackeys, White Social Democrats, Human Rights and Empire’s Decline

Black Agenda Report Editor and Columnist Ajamu Baraka has thoughts on Black Misleadership, faux Human Rights, the Decline of the Empire, White Social Democrats and other issues. What makes the white supremacy so incredibly dangerous is what I call the psychopathology of white supremacy. It is a racialized narcissistic cognitive disorder that centers so-called white people’s and European civilization and renders the afflicted with[…]

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The House of Representatives Denounces Socialism

Published on People’s Dispatch, February 4, 2023 Conservatives in the House of Representatives passed a resolution “denouncing the horrors of socialism” and opposing the implementation of socialist policies.  Link to: H. Con Resolution 9 On Thursday, February 2, the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing “the horrors of socialism.” All 219 members of the Republican party voted[…]

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Progressive Caucus Reversal Shows U.S. Congress Alows No Antiwar Voice

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, November 1, 2022 The cynicism of “Congressional Progressive Caucus” Democrats was exposed in their humiliating retraction this week of a letter sent to President Joe Biden calling on him to engage in direct diplomacy with the Russian government. After the backlash from Congressional Democrats, including some signers of the statement, in less than[…]

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Trump Calls for Peace in Ukraine While the Democrats Make Support for War a Midterm Campaign Issue

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, October 12, 2022 Donald Trump is no peace maker, but his stance on negotiations to end the war in Ukraine is in stark contrast to that of the democrats, who fully support continuing the dangerous proxy war against Russia. Anti-war forces must step up and struggle for peace. Since the U.S. sponsored coup[…]

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The Most Bloated Military Budget in U.S. History and the Oklahoma’s Mega Hawk

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on Covert Action, August 11, 2022 2023 NDAA represents swan song in Senate of a long-time stalwart of the radical right The ghosts of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan must be looking down with pride on their devoted acolyte, Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, known as “the hawk’s hawk.” He recently succeeded in pushing through a[…]

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Democrats, the More Effective Evil

by Chris Hedges, published on ScheerPost., February 14, 2022 The title phrase was originally coined by our good friend Glen Ford.  Brilliant, in any context. {jb} When all else fails, when you are clueless about how to halt a 7.5% inflation rate, when your Build Back Better bill is gutted, when you renege on your promise to raise the minimum[…]

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The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the “America COMPETES Act”

Black Alliance for Peace Press Release February 7, 2022 — On Friday evening February 4th, the US House of Representatives passed the “America COMPETES Act of 2022 (H.R. 4521).” The stated intent of the legislation is to strengthen “America’s national and economic security and the financial security of families, and advance our leadership in the world.” While this claim, found in[…]

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