Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. Student Encampments Demand: Divest From Israeli Apartheid!

by Monica Moorehead, published on Workers World, April 23, 2024 April 22 – The global struggle in solidarity with the Palestinians against the horrific U.S./Israeli genocide since October 7 has become a major focus on U.S. college campuses. Prestigious Columbia University, located in Harlem, New York, has become ground zero in the campaign to divest funds supporting the apartheid Israeli[…]

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U.S. Labor March for Palestine

by Labor Today International, December 22, 2023 On Thursday evening 12/21/2023 2- 3,000 people rallied in New York City for a ceasefire in Palestine. LTI was there! What follows is the publicity for that march. We will bring you more information as it becomes available. Solidarity forever! Joseph F. Hancock, Editor Abdel Honorio García, Assistant Editor and Treasurer Dr. Frank[…]

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