Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. Attacks China for Opposing Japan’s Radioactive Water Release

by Barry Shephard, published on Socialist Action, September 11, 2023 China isn’t the only country worried about the release of radioactive water from Fukushima’s cooling pools into the Pacific.  [jb] Reflecting Washington’s charges, a lurid article in the September 1 New York Times is headlined “Bending Truth, China Stokes Ire Against Japan.” The gist of the article is that the[…]

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BRICS and Camp David: Two Very Different Meetings

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, September 2, 2023 Note:  The following article first appeared in the Global Times on Aug. 28.  ( Within days of each other, two very different meetings of world significance were held.   The meetings sharply frame the choices.  What kind of future these two meetings represent deserves to be analyzed and compared. At[…]

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The Economic Interests Behind the Conflict in Ukraine

by Roger Keeran, published on MLToday, August 10, 2023 Anyone paying the slightest heed to the conflict in the Ukraine can appreciate the utter falsity of the American narrative of its cause, namely that the dictator Vladimir Putin embarked on an “unprovoked” war in a bloodthirsty effort to restore the Russian czarist empire.   Alas, most Americans are not paying heed,[…]

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The Criminal War on SYRIA Continues

A couple of things that may have been left unsaid: HIghly publicized protests in Southern Syria are small and instigated by imams affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and other U.S. backed Islamist Organizations.  Currently, a bill passed in the U.S. Congress, likely to be confirmed in the Senate this year,  to extend the so-called Caesar Civilian Protection Sanctions, which are[…]

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The Korean War Continues With Biden’s Renewal of Travel Ban to North Korea

by Amanda Yee, produced by Globetrotter, September 1, 2023 On August 22, the U.S. State Department renewed its ban on the use of U.S. passports for travel to North Korea. This travel ban prohibits as many as 100,000 Korean Americans living in the United States from visiting their relatives in North Korea. The ban was first set in place by[…]

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The Nicaraguan Coup Attempt: How Peace Was Restored and What Has Happened Since

by Daniel Kovalik and John Perry, published on MROnline,  August 4, 2023 A recorded interview with Daniel Kovalik on the history of the Nicaraguan revolution follows this article.  (UNAC Editor) Three previous articles (1, 2, 3) described the attempted coup in Nicaragua in 2018, and how public support grew initially but then waned. This final article, covering the period from[…]

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The Global Monroe Doctrine

by David Swanson, published in World Beyond War,  September 9, 2023 Remarks for second session of Kateri Peace Conference, September 9, 2023 Two hundred years ago this coming December, a local boy from my town gave a speech. In the years that followed pundits and politicians took an excerpt of that speech, carved it in marble, lit it with eternal[…]

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People Of Niger Want To Shatter Resignation

By Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, August 25, 2023 In 1958, the poet and trade union leader Abdoulaye Mamani of Zinder (Niger) won an election in his home region against Hamani Diori, one of the founders of the Nigerien Progressive Party. This election result posed a problem for French colonial authorities, who wanted Diori to lead the new[…]

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Is CIA Director Bill Burns a Biden Yes-Man, a Putin Apologist or a Peacemaker?

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, September 5, 2023 Seems like at minimum, William Burns is a potential peace maker.  Perhaps the movement should reach out to him and explore possibilities.  [jb] Lost in a chaotic hall of mirrors of its own creation, the CIA has generally failed in its one and only legitimate task, to provide U.S.[…]

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