Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

WWP Statement World Solidarity With Palestine

Statement by Workers World Party, published on Workers World, October 8, 2023 The Israeli regime’s murders, seizures of territories, illegal settlements and occupation made a response from the Palestinian people and their liberation organizations as inevitable as it was justifiable. Palestinians have once again, under the most difficult circumstances, provided a heroic example for people longing for liberation from imperialism[…]

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The US is De-industrializing Europe. Next on the Agenda, to Destroy European Agriculture

by Gilbert Doctorow, published on GilbertDoctorow. substack, September 22, 2023 We can be thankful that domestic electoral contests sometimes lead to good outcomes on the foreign policy level, not only to the awful outcomes we see in Mr. Biden’s America. I have in mind the dramatic spat between Poland and Ukraine over that country’s grain exports which was brought before[…]

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Ninety One Dead, Two Hundred and Seventy Seven Injured By a Uyghur Terrorist Attack in Homs, Syria

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, October 6, 2023 October 6, 2023, Latakia, Syria:  The Syrian Arab Army has shot down drones targeting the Syrian Military Hospital at Homs today, where terrorists had planned to kill the hospitalized survivors of the massive drone attack the Uyghurs had carried out yesterday, as well as target the flag-draped coffins being dispersed[…]

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United States: End detention of Venezuelan Special Envoy, UN experts say

published on the Alliance for Global Justice website, September 27, 2023 GENEVA (27 September 2023) – UN experts* today urged the government of the United States of America to end the prolonged pre-trial detention of Alex Nain Saab Morán, a Venezuelan Special Envoy, arrested and extradited to the US on money laundering charges. Saab was appointed as a Special Envoy[…]

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A Global Call for Peace in Ukraine Emerges at UN General Assemb

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, published on Common Dreams, September 28, 2023 As it did last year, the 2023 United Nations General Assembly has been debating what role the United Nations and its members should play in the crisis in Ukraine. The United States and its allies still insist that the UN Charter requires countries to take[…]

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China-Syria Strategic Partnership Faces the US Imposed Stalemate

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Syria Support Movement, September 27, 2023 Interesting update.   I, for one, was unaware that that many of the Syrian oil fields currently occupied by the United States were taken over by China’s state owned oil company just 2 years before the U.S. pulled the trigger on the Syrian terrorist war.  Sinopec had also recently bought[…]

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Denounce the Molotov Cocktail Bombing Of Cuba’s Washington, D.C. Embassy!

Statement by Socialist Action’s National Committee, published on Socialist Action, September 27, 2023 Statement by Socialist Action’s National Committee Terrorists attacked the Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C. in the late evening of Sunday, September 24, deploying two Molotov cocktails. Fortunately no one was hurt. The responsibility for this horror resides solely with the U.S. government that has conducted, encouraged, and[…]

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All Out For Assange! Emergency Actions If He Is Extradited

By Assange Frontline Defense, Popular Resistance. Emergency Actions to Support Julian Assange if he is Extradited to the United States As Julian Assange’s options to appeal the decision to extradite him to the United States are being exhausted, he could be extradited as early as the beginning of October. We must be prepared to support him and fight for his[…]

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Menendez Indictment Exposes the US-Egypt Weapons to Ukraine Dispute

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, September 25, 2023 Yes, more on the Menendez ‘scandal’.  There are a lot of angles here.  It’s rather entertaining.  [jb] US Senator Robert Menendez, (D. NJ.) temporarily stepped down from his powerful role as chairman of the Senate Relations Committee, according to Senate Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer, following accusations of political corruption[…]

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