Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Robert Fisk: “I Traced Al-Qaeda Missile Casings In Syria Back To Their Original Sellers”

Image: A prior spent missile tube in Syria with “Hughes Aircraft Company” listed as manufacturer which surfaced in 2014 (not part of the same batch of weapons analyzed in Fisk’s report). Notice the attempt to scratch off the serial numbers. Via Armament Research Services by Tyler Durden, originally published on Zero Hedge Finally, a journalist for a mainstream UK media outlet[…]

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Colombia Fact Sheet

Editor’s Note: If you have been following the MSM on Columbia, you may think the peacemaking initiatives in Columbia are working towards a just future for the Colombian people rather than an extension of the pacification policies of the past.  You need to think again. Alliance for Global Justice Fact Sheet to support the August Days for Peace in Columbia.[…]

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The Case Against Daniel Ortega

Image: Telesur Live broadcast, July 19. 2540 views at the time this article was 1st published. by Chuck Kaufman, originally posted on The Alliance for Global Justice website, July 25, 2018 The Nicaragua Network/Alliance for Global Justice and I have recently been called Orteguistas (Ortega supporters). We used to be called Danielistas before it became necessary to the narrative to[…]

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Israeli ‘Nation State’ Legislation Parallels Nazi Nuremberg Laws

By Susan Abulhawa posted to Workers World,  July 25, 2018 Roughly 80 years after Nazi Germany enacted what became known as the Nuremberg Laws in September 1935, Israeli lawmakers in July codified a new Jewish supremacy law, which effectively mirrors the Nazi-era legislation of ethnoreligious stratification of German ­citizenry. Rights exclusive to Jewish citizens Dubbed the “nation state” law, its[…]

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Towards Ending the 65 Years of Armistice: Understanding the process for peace in Korea

ZoomInKorea Interview with Gregory Erlich, July 24, 2018 July 27, 2018 marks the 65th anniversary of the Armistice Agreement which brought about a ceasefire to the Korean War. The agreement was signed by North Korean General Nam Il representing both the Korean People’s Army (KPA) as well as the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army (PVA) and U.S. Army Lieutenant General Harrison,[…]

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Thousands resist pollution from copper smelting plant in India

By Ruan Munasinghe, originally published on Socialist Action, July 12, 2018 On May 22, thousands of protesters in the town and district of Thoothukudi (also known by its British name, Tuticorin), in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, expressed anguish as victims of pollution from the area’s copper smelter. Police and paramilitary fired into the crowd, killing 13 and injuring[…]

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GMO Agriculture and the Narrative of Choice

Spraying Monsanto Roundup GE Agriculture, GMO by Colin Todhunter, originally published on CounterPunch The pro-GMO lobby claim critics of the technology ‘deny farmers choice’. They say that farmers should have access to a range of tools and technologies. It is all about maximising choice and options. Taken at face value, who would want to deny choice? At the same time,[…]

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Argentina: Over 60 Social Movements Protest US ‘Military Base’

Mapuche people of Neuquen are part of the 60 organizations that oppose the U.S. base. | Photo: @pcayuqueo from TeleSUR, July 12, 2018 The organizations led a caravan to the site where a U.S. base will be built to demand respect for Argentina’s territorial sovereignty. In Argentina, political parties, social organizations, human rights groups, workers’ unions and Mapuches held a caravan[…]

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