Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Yemen’s Houthi Movement Unveils “National Vision” to Heal, Rebuild, and Modernize their War-torn Nation

Feature photo | A Yemeni man cleans in front of his house during a national cleanup campaign in Sanaa, Yemen, Dec. 12, 2018. Hani Mohammed | AP by Ahmed AbdulKareem , published on MintPress News, May 7, 2019 Note: A perspective on Yemen that you probably haven’t seen  before. While MBS and MBZ focus on bombing infrastructure and taking territory[…]

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Venezuela: Striving for Food Sovereignty

Photo: Community members working in the La Columna community garden, Merida, Venezuela. by Tamara Pearson by Peter Lackowski, Published on CounterCurrents, May 6, 2019 A First Hand Account from a Commune in Venezuela We went to visit facilities for urban food production named after Fabricio Ojeda, one of the many Venezuelan revolutionary martyrs of the last century. It is a[…]

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Pompeo’s Arctic Shipping Lanes

Image: Arctic Sea Ice Continues Decline, Hits 2nd-Lowest Level, 10/4/2011 NASA satellite data reveals how this year’s minimum sea ice extent, reached on Sept. 9 as depicted here, declined to a level far smaller than the 30-year average (in yellow) and opened up Northwest Passage shipping lanes (in red).  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ~Scientific Visualization Studio by Robert Hunziker,[…]

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Updates from the Venezuelan Embassy Protectors

Photo from a Tweet by Answer Coalition at the DC Venezuelan Embassy earlier today:         “They may have cut off our electricity, but they can never cut off our power.” ~ CODEPINK and Popular Resistance #Love4EPC #embassyprotectioncollective Posted by by Judith Bello, member of UNAC AC, May 11, 2019 For context, the right wing Venezuelan protestors remain outside the embassy[…]

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The Two Narratives of Palestine: The People Are United, the Factions Are Not

by Ramzy Baroud, Published on, May 8, 2019 The International Conference on Palestine held in Istanbul between April 27-29 brought together many speakers and hundreds of academics, journalists, activists and students from Turkey and all over the world. The Conference was a rare opportunity aimed at articulating a discourse of international solidarity that is both inclusive and forward thinking. There was[…]

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Will the U.S. Start a War Against Iran?

A war against Iran at this time would be a war against a stretch of the world that has seen too many wars in recent times, that would like to open the door to peace. (Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) by Vijay Prashad, from Countercurrents, May 8, 2019 On Sunday, May 5, U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton announced that the[…]

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Assange Is Not a Journalist (If Journalists Are Ass-Kissing Propagandists for the Ruling Class)

By Ann Garrison, Published on Black Agenda Report, May 8, 2019 Saying Assange not a journalist is like saying Darwin wasn’t a biologist, Einstein wasn’t a physicist and LeBron James can’t play basketball. “Assange is a genius who looked at global injustice with the mind of a systems analyst, then founded Wikileaks and the transparency movement.” High profile journalists have been[…]

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“Imperialism Does Not Understand the Resistance of the Venezuelan People”

By Carlos Aznarez, Published on Resumen Latinoamericano, April 15, 2019 We spoke with Pascualina Curcio a few days ago in Mexico, where she was a part of the Venezuelan delegation to the International Seminar of the PT of that country. Each time that the imperial economic attack intensifies against Venezuela, many glances are directed, by way of consultation, towards the[…]

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