Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Punitive fines threaten whistleblower Chelsea Manning with bankruptcy

By Oscar Grenfell, Published on World Socialist Website, 24 June 2019 Last Thursday, lawyers for the courageous whistleblower Chelsea Manning issued a legal challenge to punitive fines that were imposed upon her by a federal district court judge last month. Her legal team has warned that the unprecedented financial penalties threaten her with imminent bankruptcy. Manning has been imprisoned by[…]

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Austerity and Militarism

In the U.S. They are Never Called Human Rights Violations, but They Both Kill by Ajamu Baraka, June 19, 2019 Trump’s 2020 budget proposal reflects another significant increase in military spending along with corresponding cuts in spending by Federal agencies tasked with the responsibility for providing critical services and income support policies for working class and poor people. Trump’s call[…]

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Ongoing repercussions from the Central Park Five case

By Workers World New York bureau posted on June 20, 2019 The four-part Netflix series “When They See Us,” directed by  African-American director Ava DuVernay, has set off an avalanche of long overdue repercussions for the high-profile prosecutors who in 1989 framed up five African-American and Latinx youth in New York City. Known as the Central Park Five, the teenagers[…]

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The Antiwar Movement No One Can See

by Allegra Harpootlian , Published on Tom Dispatch, June 23, 2019 When Donald Trump entered the Oval Office in January 2017, Americans took to the streets all across the country to protest their instantly endangered rights. Conspicuously absent from the newfound civic engagement, despite more than a decade and a half of this country’s fruitless, destructive wars across the Greater[…]

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How the Coup in Venezuela and the US Housing Crisis are Inextricably Connected

by by Ajoke Williams and Kei Pritsker, Published on Mint Press News, June 18, 2019 The United States economy is organized such that all commodities, including both weapons and housing, drive the lion’s share of profits upward, into the pockets of a wealthy elite class, at the expense of the masses of working people who generate those profits through their[…]

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WWP Editorial: No war on Iran!

Published on Workers World, June 15, 2019, from the Editor The U.S. government is charging that on June 13 Iran attacked two oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz  — the Norwegian-owned MT Front Altair and the Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous. The threat of yet another U.S. military aggression in an area already devastated by decades of war is very real.[…]

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Freedom Rider: Iran and Endless War

by Margaret Kimberley, Published on Black Agenda Report, June 19, 2019 Americans are, indeed, exceptional – the most gullible public in the world, always ready to believe their leaders’ lies. “The increasing closeness between China, Russia and their central Asian partners is a reaction to U.S. threats and aggressions.” The latest in the saga of the desperate empire is the[…]

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