Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

COVID-19 Covers Up War and Financial Collapse

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, March 18. 2020 COVID-19 is not just a health emergency. It has exposed the causes of inequality and suffering in this country. “Thousands of symptomatic people go untested in a supposedly “advanced” country.” The COVID-19 corona virus is a newly discovered disease which killed thousands of people in China, its country of[…]

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End Sanctions on Iran Petition

Iran is suffering terribly from the the combination of a serious outbreak of the novel coronavirus and US sanctions which make it difficult if not impossible for the Iranian state to acquire the resources necessary to fight the virus.   The result is a high death toll.  Meanwhile, just this week, the US (Congress and the Trump Administration) increased the severity[…]

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China Locked in Hybrid War with US

by Pepe Escobar, published on Global Research, March 18, 2020 Among the myriad, earth-shattering geopolitical effects of coronavirus, one is already graphically evident. China has re-positioned itself. For the first time since the start of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978, Beijing openly regards the US as a threat, as stated a month ago by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the[…]

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To Help Stem Coronavirus, Lift Sanctions on Iran

by Medea Benjamin and Ariel Gold, published on Countercurrents, March 13, 2020 This is overall a good piece, but I nearly didn’t publish it because of the paragraph towards the end  which begins- the Iranian government “grossly mishandled the beginning of the outbreak.”   What is the point of this hostile and unnecessary statement?  I suppose people like to have a[…]

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COVID-19 Exposes Failure of U.S. Health Care

Editorial published on Workers World, March 16, 2020 In this pandemic, people in the U.S. should be questioning why the current capitalist health care system seems unable to combat the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. We should be demanding why U.S. officials — from the Trump administration to state and local health care departments — have let this crisis reach[…]

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Nicaragua and The Struggle Against US Imperialism in Latin America

Fiona Edwards interviews Daniel Kovalik, published on Eyes on Latin America, March 12, 2020 Overthrowing the Sandinista government in Nicaragua is a key foreign policy goal for the US in Latin America. Alongside Cuba and Venezuela, Nicaragua has been described by the Trump administration as part of a “Troika of tyranny” in the region. Following the US-backed coup in Bolivia[…]

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While Millions Here Lack Health Care, U.S. Bombs Iraq and Invades Yemen

by Bill Dores, published on The Internationalist, 360°, March 14, 2020 The coronavirus stalks the land. Millions in the United States are without health insurance or paid sick leave. The White House has cut funds to the Centers for Disease Control. It’s also cutting food stamps. People are not getting tested for the virus because there are not enough kits.[…]

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