Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Truth And Justice: Green’s Trailblazing World Peace Platform

by Lauren Smith, published on Popular Resistance, July 14, 2020 Knowing that without truth there can be no justice and without justice, there can be no peace, the Green Party Action Committee (GPAX) endorsed a trailblazing world peace platform on July 6 that aggressively fights back against the militaristic corporate hijacking of the United States’ domestic and foreign policy, and its[…]

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Working-Class Demands in COVID Economy

Editorial, Workers World Editor, July 1, 2020 The International Monetary Fund issued a warning on June 24 that the global economy faces an even deeper downturn than it previously projected, greater than any since the 1930s Great Depression. While many economists warned earlier of a cyclical downturn in the world economy, the IMF blamed the current collapse on the coronavirus[…]

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The Return of the Anti-Antiwar Left

by James Carden, published on CounterPunch, July 1, 2020 In her recently published memoir, Circle in the Darkness, the author and journalist Diana Johnstone recalls that only “a few decades ago, “the Left” was considered the center of opposition to imperialism, and champion of the right of peoples to self-determination.” Johnstone is part of a distinguished line of American expatriate[…]

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‘Monumental Victory’: Court-Ordered Shutdown of Dakota Access Pipeline

by Jessica Corbett, published on Common Dreams, July 6, 2020 A U.S. district court on Monday delivered a major win to local Indigenous organizers and climate activists—and a significant blow to the fossil fuel industry and the Trump administration—by ordering the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) to be shut down and emptied of oil by Aug. 5 while federal regulators conduct an environmental review[…]

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Annexation is Going Forward

by Philip Weiss, published on Mondoweiss, July 6, 2020 The fact that Israel didn’t move forward on annexation on July 1 is no basis for hope. The country is determined to do so, annexation will inevitably mean uprooting Palestinians and moving them to shanty towns, and none of the vaunted opposition to Israeli plans, from Democratic Party progressives to Europe,[…]

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How the Media Used the Bounty Scandal to Stop the ‘Threat’ of Peace in Afghanistan

by Lee Camp, published on Mintpress News, July 2, 2020 Lee raises an important issue here.  The Trump presidency is merely the reflection of a systemic problem.   Now that we have Biden vs Trump on the platform, that should be pretty obvious.  In any case, these news stories are consistent where Trump’s initiatives are not. [jb] This is not a[…]

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Israel’s Annexation Plans Explained in Nine Questions

by Daniel Hilton, published on Global Research, July 03, 2020 Previously published on Middle East Eye 30 June 2020 When could annexation happen? According to the coalition agreement signed by Netanyahu and his rival-turned-defence minister, Benny Gantz, annexation legislation could be proposed as early as Wednesday. That would just be the beginning of a legislative process, however, with the draft[…]

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